Really?! A Kotaku article about something Attack On Titan related and no one posted a video with the 1st theme song? Well fine, looks I'm the one that has to pick up the slack... again! Here you go!
Really?! A Kotaku article about something Attack On Titan related and no one posted a video with the 1st theme song? Well fine, looks I'm the one that has to pick up the slack... again! Here you go!
I believe you meant "hasn't" in that first sentence there, but nitpicking aside, I think you have an interesting point there.
Which bothers me too! What gets me is that many of the negative stereotypes about men could be helped if men actually DID complain and did something about it in SEPARATE from what women's rights activists and feminists are doing. By resigning themselves to just saying "We don't complain about it... it doesn't bother…
Kind of shines a light on some of the problems complainers of Anita's work have, and why some of their arguments are ridiculously dumb.
Ahh, but that's not what's happening here. Watch the video and you'll understand.
The thing is that Anita here has done her research in a big way. She has a massive stock pile of references, examples, historical data, and then some behind her videos. It's also important that if you are going to critique her, you can't just be in pure denial about whatever she says. If you're going to give…
Fedoras being the hat of choice among the so-called Men's Rights Activists?
(I couldn't resist. This response clip fits so well!)
One of the things I think is worth noting is that Anita Sarkeesian's videos here aren't LIKE she is lecturing the viewer...
Part of the success of this game is that it's more forgiving and flexible. It's easier to get a perfect town rating and if you don't play for a while it's not as hard to get back to the way the town was.
Here's what I do:
While I haven't read the full audio log, I do agree that if the narrative and creative intent wouldn't necessarily work for a female protagonist then I can understand that. Same if there's a specific artistic design either in appearance or outfit that works better for a male protagonist than for a female one, I can…
You could almost say that this movie was...
Ooh! Which reminds me.
You know... I wonder what the going rate for shark is at a fish market? And do you need to be a licensed shark fisher, or can anyone go out to sea with a deep sea fishing pole and land one of those eating machines?
Wait a second...
You are correct that the Mega Man 1 Robot Masters aren't there. In fact, Mega Man notes that in comic. If Wily and Eggman rewrote history, it's possible that since it was rewritten so that Wily was always working with Eggman for world domination, he never bothered to reprogram the original 6 (or 8 if you go by Mega…
Another week, another Kotaku Police Blotter! Time for the COPS theme song that we all know and...
I'm curious which 2 games those were know that you mention them.