
Better games? What are you talking about? I like the games they make already!

If it's DOA then why are Sega and Square Enix among a myriad of other developers supporting it? It's not just indie games that are coming out on that system. I know InXile Entertainment is already working on titles for it as we speak.

Well said. VERY well said.

It's really funny when I see people say "Oh Nintendo should just go into software and leave the hardware to Sony and Microsoft" because they think Nintendo is losing massive amounts of money on their new hardware systems.

I wouldn't necessarily say I pity her, but I do sympathize with her situation and feel that as a member of the IGDA I should try and help game developers find the resources they need. What she did wasn't right and it would have been better if she had been honest in the first place which would have prevented a lot of

Well I guess that depends. How do you feel about that?

You are correct that she definitely needs some kind of help. This is definitely a very complicated mess, and sex-reassignment surgery isn't going to make all the problems go away; only a few that are medical and psychological based.

Agreed. I also tried to tell the fellow in the other comment thread that their assumption that "Gender Identity Disorder" is still a "thing" and a valid psychological condition is Incorrect.

I'm not going to deal with what's true or what isn't, but I do want to address a matter in regards to gender identity. Just to touch base really quickly.

I think I see what you're getting at about how there are definitely more options in Animal Crossing: New Leaf than there are in other games.

I contacted Chloe and sent them a message to see if they'd be willing to let me hook them up with some people in the IGDA who might be able to help them out.

Well as far as I can tell, that is exactly what Nintendo is doing here in the game.

One of the neatest things about Animal Crossing is the fact that it can connect DIRECTLY to Twitter and Tumblr. (Sort of).

I can't imagine what other angels anyone else was thinking of? Yeesh!

Nintendo has been becoming a lot more progressive than people give them credit for, mostly because they just do it and not make a big deal out of it because their focus is more on the games themselves. Like, let's look at some recent examples.

Hmm... hadn't thought about it that way.

Tell us how it goes! I bet it'd be pretty awesome! :)

Is THIS the angel you're looking for?

Actually, pretty sure that you can dress your villager up however you want.

Phoenix, AR? Oh I am VERY certain you'll find one somewhere nearby. Arizona and Nevada have surprisingly large geek populations and many of them are Nintendo players as well.