
You can be a League Manager and still work your job at the same time. :) Don't have to choose one or the other. Although if you do decide to become a Professor, then you will have added responsibilities since you will likely be expected to officiate tournaments.

I see what you mean there about the lack of in-person social interaction with Pokemon Trades and Battles these days, but there's a couple of things I think are worth pointing out.

Whoa... so beautiful...

Whoa whoa whoa...

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FujiTV posted this on their official YouTube channel back on June 3rd, 2013. Looks like they aren't giving up on finding ways to bring the Kacho to us! :)

Well right now, I think what should be focused on is showing our interest in Retro Game Challenge 3 which is being made for the 3DS RIGHT NOW!

Out of curiosity, Stephen, I'm interested in hearing what you think about the answers Sony gave you when you pressed them for clarification on statements and specific information?

I wonder whatever happened to that guy?

Oh yeah? I doubt you could possibly hate yourself more than I hate myself!

Oh I did. It's just when you realize how long ago it was made, it makes me feel REALLY old.

If it wasn't for the little fine print on the website that says:


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Slightly disappointed with the re-use of the Reveal Trailer.

Hmm, okay, alright... I admit that does sound pretty cool what you described there. That actually sounds pretty awesome.

Okay people, let's be honest here.

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In response to Microsoft's statement that Cloud Computing could triple the graphics capabilities of the Xbox One...

Oh I know how it works. I've known ever since the game came to the USA starting on the Gamecube (we never got the N64 game though...)

Seems like enough of a difference for me.

Hmm, okay. But that still doesn't tell me why the console itself has to have a constant internet connection, or why the connection has to be connected the entire time you're playing the game.