"If one player drops out, that world will continue on and can experience the effects of time, like wear from weather damage, so that when a player comes back into the universe it's actually a slightly evolved place in the same way that our real world evolves a little bit from the time we go to sleep to the time we…
Now, let us give a moment of silence for all those minions who lost their lives bringing us our E3 Press Conferences this year...
If I tried to fit those all in, it would have taken much longer to finish this post!
Not bad, but it could have done more to improve the editing and timing to give it more oomph. The lack of the kanji and hiragana or anything resembling a credit sequence also dropped it a few points for me. Could be better and I would definitely like to see something that makes you go "WWWWWHHHHOOOOOOAAAAAAAA!"
THIRTY FRANCHISES?! DAYUM! That's a lot for one company! Is there really that many? Hmm... let's see... (in no particular order) (AND counting spin-off franchises that developed with their own play style that didn't copy the style of their originator)
Funny thing is that the StreetPass feature of the Nintendo 3DS sort of encourages kids to do that sort of thing. It motivates them to get together and hang out in one spot together, but instead of playing baseball or softball, they're playing Nintendo 3DS and doing multiplayer games (Pokemon battles for example) and…
Miyamoto has hit the nail on the head in such a way that I can not possibly put in better terms myself. His view of games is PRECISELY the view I consider games to be too. For me, they aren't "Services", but "Toys" where even after you have beaten and 100%-ed a game to completion, you might pop it in and play it…
Sweet Suffering Succotash! Look at all those Game Gear Games!
Actually, my mother is a Nurse Practitioner for a decent sized hospital in my city, and the hospital she works at has free wi-fi for patients and guests, as well as a wireless internal network as well for employees.
This is FANTASTIC NEWS! I am VERY happy with this announcement!
When entering this arcade, I either expect people to be Kung-Fu Fighting with light fixtures and architecture getting pummeled and destroyed in the process...
How BAD is it when Microsoft has made people so paranoid about the future of home console video gaming that every game journalist out there is grilling everyone for clear cut, solid, no two bones about it answers?
Long shot wish fulfillment here, but here's my thinking.
You have a very good point there. When you look at it that way, it is quite the bummer.
Ahhhh, I gotcha.
Normally I don't recommend or respond to tl;dr comment responses, but I've never seen that particular GIF before and I gotta be honest: I snickered. XD