Just a minute there, Patricia. "Hella Swole"? Where'd you pick up that kind of lingo?
Just a minute there, Patricia. "Hella Swole"? Where'd you pick up that kind of lingo?
Huh... must have missed them. Will have to double check that. Although the Greenman Gaming system certainly sounds interesting. It almost sounds like it's what the Xbox One WANTS to be, but isn't really getting that across right or not doing it right. But that's another story altogether.
Hmmm... you know, looking over the "Promise" Checklists for Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, it appears that Microsoft was the only one that actually had a promise BREAK.
Despite his great big muscles
"Hello? What's with the No Embedded YouTube Video Hello?"
This is a sign when you've actually made it.
It's like how in every Game Center CX, no matter where Arino seems to go, there's always one arcade cabinet with one of the Metal Slug games on it.
You rang?
I can't believe I have a use for this clip two days in a row!
Given that these two articles were back to back, I just had to make this joke:
I think they're fine tuning it like sort of "Practicing" to try and find that right "mix" between "Dead Serious" and "Obviously Not Serious" in order to mock those who ARE Dead Serious.
This actually reminds me of what I was getting at back when I was doing the comment thread discussion on "When Video Game Trolls Are A Good Thing"
If Microsoft actually found a way to get more money off used games and not share that money with the developers/publishers, then that would be one seriously big dick move to everyone that's not Microsoft.
Hey if they can direct us to the exact piece of fine print or legalese that explains this in the Steam Greenlight agreement, then I'm all for that. It becomes proof that this is something that's been part of Steam Greenlight before and its only now just coming out to public (and developer) consciousness.
But if the store is going to have games from publishers piling in with no real restrictions anyway, then why do something like this where you just so no to the publisher AND their money?
Problem being that what if that caveat WASN'T written in the contract? It wasn't until Adult Swim started talking to Steam about publishing the game that either one of them learned about this. It also appears several other developers didn't know about this either.
Just imagine the introductory tutorial being a "Dad trying to teach you how to get your car unstuck" simulator.
Ooohhh! Neat! Is there going to be an option where you eventually have to get out of the car and push? And just what kind of terrains are we talking about here? Like how stuck can we expect the cars to get?
I hear you on that one. Did a bit of digging and based on my research, that is EXACTLY what happened and what Steam Greenlight people are saying.