
I did a bit more digging and got some more clear cut answers. Here's a link to the post I just made. (This may seem redundant to some, but given how I've come to understand the Kinja system, you are likely to find it useful for finding which post I'm referring to).

Okay, I did a bit more research, and here's what I found out:

Oh? What? This?

Okay, I follow your reasoning there. But if I'm right, what you're getting at is that there was no change made whatsoever to the original Steam Greenlight campaign for Paranautical Activity.

But what if its a small publisher? Like take Majesco, who published Psychnonauts for Double Fine Studios when it first came out. Double Fine retained all IP rights to Psychonauts and worked out a deal with Majesco so that Majesco was just the publisher.

Well put, Darrien Emerald. Well put.

But we don't know if that's what happened.

Yeah, I've never heard of "Greenman Gaming" until today. Could you tell me a bit more about them?

I can see that, but the problem then becomes that you still result in a negative or "Zero" rating that blocks your game from getting Greenlit. If plenty of people upvote a game, but just as many are likely to downvote it for trolling or cyber-mobbing purposes, then that hurts the chances of that game getting greenlit

I get what you're saying. It actually kind of reminds me of Super Meat Boy.

You make a good point; there are other services available such as Desura. However, they are not nearly as well known and don't have the same user base.

I would guess it boils down to budget if you ask me. Adult Swim's primary focus is on cable television, and likely devote a good portion of their budget to show production, production of Adult Swim IP DVDs and packaging, marketing for Adult Swim programming, licensing of shows Adult Swim wants to air in North

I don't think that's what happened.

Okay, but in that case, what is the means by which the Publisher must go through to get a game put on Steam? How much does it cost, what hoops must they go through, etc.?

I'm well aware that the 10-20 games that are released each month are good titles, but given that there are thousands and thousands of games currently in Steam Greenlight, that seems like a REALLY selective number to me. Frankly, I'd rather see them release either 10-20 games a WEEK, or 50-100 games a MONTH.

In the previous Commenting system that Kotaku used, you were able to post 1 picture or 1 YouTube video to head your comment with. Now that they've switched to Kinja, there are now more options available where you can include multiple pictures, YouTube videos (even Vimeo videos), add bullet marks for lists, easily

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GAH! Beat me to it! >_<