Can the museum begin with an exhibit about the magical abortion potion that God provides the recipe for in Numbers 5?
Can the museum begin with an exhibit about the magical abortion potion that God provides the recipe for in Numbers 5?
They’re for swimming through the shameful and confusing fantasies of adolescent boys. Duh.
Gotta say, you guys fucking nailed it on the title for this daily politics roundup.
Belief is a big part of the issue, unfortunately. It’s true that you can’t force people to believe things. It’s also true that in some cases, some people’s beliefs are just wrong. There are places in the United States that want to teach creationism to children. That’s fine for a mythology course, but it’s also not…
I disagree. I believe that a lax attitude toward the truth encourages everyone around us to lie and to believe lies. I think that we have a responsibility to value the truth and to teach students to value it as well. Beyond the moral weight that I would place on such a task, there are also enormous practical benefits…
I think that we all have an epistemic responsibility that is being sadly neglected. Basic education should include more than skills, and should contain actual information about the world in which we live. At the very least, we should teach students how to properly assess the information they come across. Currently, we…
This comment is actually brilliant.
Ah yes, the Art of War. What armchair warrior with pretensions of intellectual sophistication has not read you?
I would hope that you’d use common sense and your best judgment, but you do you.
I know all the hip kids are using bing these days, but google is still your friend.
Sure enough, sometimes it does not. The answer to that problem is not less schooling, though.
Either way, all glory to Tumorius, Holy Lord of Cancer
Chicken blood doesn’t cause autism, at least.
Public education has benefited me by allowing me to live in a society composed largely of people who’ve been given a basic education. No one has burned me or anyone I know alive for being a witch or sorcerer, or killed me to ensure a good harvest. When I’m sick, I can go and see a doctor instead of a shaman or priest.…
Of course not, this is a free country. Or something.
The bill would not, however, prevent the father from seeking injunctive relief to stop an abortion under these circumstances.
On the other hand, events such as a rodent’s reaction to its own shadow may become increasingly relevant as we, as a society, abandon our critical faculties and the evidence of reality.
I portend a really truly fantastic spring this year. These sheep’s entrails are predicting the best spring. It’s gonna be amazing, you…
a solemn event that our nation’s presidents have used for decades to display their piety
We did it all for the glory of sleeping on a festering pouch of mites and human skin flaaaaaakes.