Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

Trump is only anti-immigration when it comes to the immigrants who aren’t directly benefiting him/stroking his ego.

All her videos make me smile like a crazy person, she’s the best.

The word ‘elite’ is like a slur to these people. Most fascist/totalitarian regimes begin with an attack on the academics.

A teaspoon is the only sort of spoon those tiny hands CAN manage.

Have we established something he actually has a clue about yet?

Actually, I had to read the god damned headline accidentally

Why do you think now, same system, would produce different result?

You don’t kick a baby off a flight just because its bawling is annoying.

Says privileged white man/woman who Trump’s policies will in no way affect.

That was my thought as well. Even if it’s true that he was speaking Arabic, it may have been something as simple as the volume at which he was speaking it.

If it’s true that 20 or so passengers complained about them, it may be the case that the passengers knew it was fake. The video only starts after whatever prompted their ejection from the flight occurred. Saleh claims that it was because he spoke Arabic, but he’s also a liar.

I appreciate this sentiment, but when your career is predicated on deceiving people in loud, public ways, and you have a history of fabricating hoaxes extremely similar to this, you should expect skepticism.

ha ha ha what


It is impossible to define others personal experiences because *we are not them and we didn’t have those experiences.*

I didn’t say that anyone who harbors superstitious beliefs is mentally ill. That’s a position that you very graciously attributed to me, and seem to enjoy arguing against, but it is not one that I hold or claimed to hold. You also don’t seem to distinguish between recognizing that a person may be mentally ill, which

Based on what you’ve said, it’s wrong of you to disagree with them. You can’t determine their own experiences, after all.

If you’re saying that you know better than to think that your friend is being haunted by ghosts, but that you just won’t say that to them, I think that you’re suffering from the prejudice of low

What assistance? Would you suggest that they visit a counselor, or would you suggest that they visit a spiritualist? Keeping in mind, of course, that your friend is convinced that their problem is a host of malicious spirits, and that it would be wrong for you to define their experience.

“If the story came along with other warning signs of major issues or other behavior that was disruptive to their life, then I would.”

Would what? Let’s say they told you they hadn’t slept in 4 days because spirits in their house were keeping them up. They look like they haven’t slept in 4 days. What would you encourage