
So it’s Latitude, now built into Maps. Good to know.

Also, and I think this is a GODDAMN HUGE NEON SIGN ACROSS THE SKY AWESOME part, is that Bull’s romance line is a pitch perfect, amazingly executed and true to life BDSM relationship. And it’s not some Fifty Shades abuse-couched-as-BDSM bullshit. You can see and feel the real affection there. And it’s not a huge

I remember there were a whole series of cases in the UK where they had to overturn a raft of tickets, as they were using doppler speed sensors, and it was issuing tickets based on the high-speed floodwater running through the drains under the road, rather than the vehicles above.

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So basically it’s Desert Bus’ “Random Dance Party” button... Like this:

How about just dropping an ice-cube in?

You don’t need Tech for it. In the UK every car has a safety inspection every year (with a 5 year exception for new cars). This mandatory inspection includes emissions and light function, including headlight beam pattern and aiming. And unlike in the US, beam pattern is consistent and a lot more driver friendly.

Well, he’ll be getting it all covered by Tesla:

First you need to read the rest of the article. Then you need to think about some common, but fringe cases. For instance, if the sensors detected something in front of the vehicle and wouldn’t allow acceleration, how would you load this car onto a trailer? As you approach the ramps, the car would detect something in

Would moving the rotors underneath the body make the airflow less turbulent (and thus more efficient)? And how does this compare to, for instance, a helicopter?

From what I read, they’re talking about having a (potentially small) 48v Li-ion battery pack to be charged by regeneration and the like. The DC-DC could use this to provide power for the 12v starter.

Right. Chaps with an ass are called pants.

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I’m very glad that these kinds of things don’t happen in the UK. There are very strict rules - If it affects the body or mind then it is a medicine, and is only allowed to be marketed to doctors. It’s why beauty products and shampoo ads say they affect the hair (not the follicles) and give “the appearance of”.

Or any other advertisement for a performance car, which I think is the aesthetic they were going for,

He’s the only one with a front plate, but all the (road-legal, which McQueen wasn’t) others have back plates, as required by US law:

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V8's are already covered. I’m thinking KERS and Hybrid technologies here. Also: That cars promo looked very similar to the others, for Lightning McQueen and Johnny Storm (that played directly after it), and also like every time Top Gear want a beauty shot to introduce a new car. Well, not the Dacia Sandero, but you

Looks like a home TV application of this technology:

They do vaccinate, the problem in the US is that chickens are kept in such cramped conditions they crap where they lay, so pretty much every egg laid gets covered in crap. To remove this, and make the eggs more attractive to the customer, they’re washed. And because chicken crap is so tenacious they have to be washed

AIUI, ABS doesn’t work in cold conditions, especially on ice, because it’s too fast. Perhaps systems have gotten more sophisticated recently, but the way I understood ABS working (or not working, as the case may be) is that it releases the braking force on a stopped wheel for a brief moment, then re-measures the speed

It seems that Fox just doesn’t know how to TV. They come up with these great ideas (Almost Human, Terra Nova, Firefly, Drive), then do absolutely everything they can to do screw it over. It’s almost like the heads of New Programming and Existing Programming absolutely HATE each other and are doing everything they can