
Came to post this very thing.

"The most munchkined out kobolds ever conceived" So Pun-Pun, then?

Yes, I do remember it (And still have a copy). Here's hoping Spielberg doesn't ruin it.

Hydrogen will never work as a fuel. It takes more power to make it than you get from burning it. And/or you have to use dirty sources to get it, like coal or gas. It's not even that good as an energy transfer medium (it's difficult to compress, and highly explosive).

In his defense, Blackadder wasn't full of himself. He just had an uncanny knack for seeing the stupid in everyone else. And there was so very much stupid for him to see...


mAh = milliamp HOURS. So 6A for an hour. 300w @ 12VDC = 25A. So this would be able to output 300W for 14.4 minutes before being completely dead. Long enough to crank a car, with a little time to spare.

Yes, car batteries have to maintain a charge. Oh yeah, and they're made of lead. This thing uses a lithium-ion battery. And it won't run your car, but it has enough juice to crank your car a few times. Of course, doing so will drain it dead, but once you've jumped your car the alternator will re-charge your lead-acid

I don't believe it.

Well, I was browsing BBSs with an Amiga 1200 and a 1200-baud modem (Was supposed to be 2400 baud, but would never negotiate that high). Unsurprisingly, I quickly upgraded (to the then-unheard-of speeds of a 14.4k modem!), and after signing up with enterprise.net, and purchasing a copy of "TermiteTCP", I was on the

There was software included with the HP Scanners that would play a variety of songs, including Ode to Joy and Clare de lune.

The previous Myst games (Myst 3 and 4) weren't produced by Cyan, and there are... interesting... legal and rights issues going on.

Emacs is so versatile. It's a great operating system. And there's a pretty primitive text editor in there somewhere too, so I hear. Personally, if I'm editing text on *nix, I have EDITOR=nano set.

A text editor is for... editing text. Compiling, running and debugging programs is the job of an IDE.

Generally speaking the "Demo" is the part that's judged. It can (and for the purposes of judging does) stand on it's own, and is restricted in size. So the entire demo above clocks in at 64k.

This one didn't actually reboot the computer, it just re-loaded the GUI. Oh, and this is the Workbench 3.0 dialog, but the boot sequence is the 1.3 one.

Sony-Ericsson, I believe.

You, and this video, are both horrendously wrong on a single point - They never made any more Matrix movies.

And yet, if you watch the video, they do (explicitly) mention the Russian Ark.