
No. I leave mine open all week. All month, even. They're usually triaged using FireFox's excellent "Tab groups" feature, so I've got a "News" group (With Feedly front and centre, and other tabs opening from there), "Entertainment" (With Youtube and Twitch open), "Work" (With whatever sites I'm working on at the time,

According to BoingBoing (Where I originally saw this) the plane was diverted to London Gatwick, and landed safely.

Looks familiar...

They did an experiment with a few X360 games (Shadowrun, Supreme Commander 1, Final Fantasy 11, and Lost Plant 1) that had PC multiplay. The X360 users had to have auto-aiming and all kinds of other helpers enabled to even be able to keep up, and even then the PC players would run circles around them convincingly.

Yes, and they used to be quite common throughout the UK - Every village had one as it's centerpiece. However, the horticultural care necessary to keep them alive, and the invention of cheap and simple mechanical movements made them unfortunately go away. Oh, and Wikipedia has a much better list of flowers and opening

From the Grassy Knoll, Kennedy shot...

I loved the feature on the original MX revolution - The "Click or freewheel" was controlled electronically, not mechanically. So by default it was toggled by middle-mouse-click, but you could remap it. Or (And this was the fantastic bit) you could set it to disengage the click when you scrolled above a certain speed.

"I died again today", he sighed.

Alternatively (and more intriguingly):

They do actually use cellular signals internally. They have a sealed system using a GSM or CDMA radio. But that system is on a pre-paid contract with the manufacturer, who pay a small maintenance fee (probably about the same amount as you'd pay for a regular contract) for an extremely reduced service (text only, for

How are you going to get that data from the unit if the vehicle has been stolen? You need some kind of remote connection to the arduino for it to report the GPS location. Bluetooth is only good for 10m or so, WiFi for 100m or so. A cellular connection (with sim card) is good wherever you have cellphone coverage, which

The original "Selling point" was that Pandora was using the "Music Genome Project", which WOULD rate songs on emotional levels like "Bassy" and "Mellow". And I don't know about you, but "Teardrop" by Massive Attack is very bassy, and very mellow, just as you suggested. I know you're trying to make a point that they're

Generally speaking, "Fluff with fork" means "take a fork and mix it up a bit, to get air into it and stop it being so compacted.

I'm so much a fan of the British (and possibly rest of the world) way of doing it. Wet goods are measured by volume, Dry goods are measured by WEIGHT! No need to worry about compacting, it's dead easy to measure (The "Tare" button on your scale does all the work for you), less messy cleanup afterwards. Pure, culinary

At least it's not yet another trailer set to Lux Aeterna (From Requiem for a Dream).

I'm thinking that's more a reflection of yourself than this particular trailer.

From the looks of it, Direction is indicated on the head (With a red dot for the compass, when you don't have a destination set or are off-trail), and distance is indicated by the line on the shaft (the closer it is to the red dot (which is, I'm assuming, power) the closer you are).

That IS a short trailer. "This content, is currently, unavailable". *sigh*

Actually, all science, whether called a "Law" or not, is a theory. Some theories have been tested and re-proven more often than others, but all are accepted to be "The best explanation we have for now", and none are truly set in stone. Unlike other theories and beliefs (And yes, scientific theories are beliefs), the

Win+R: "Run" dialog. Immensely handy.