
I wonder how the Evil Overlady would take the native gentleman's name from Tad Williams' "Otherland" series: !Xabbu, where the ! is indicitave of a "postalveolar click".

How about using, say, a massive Metal Halide lamp to pump 1,000w of light through the screen, then focusing it on, say, a nearby wall or reflective screen of some kind?

You know, this seems like a massive structural weakness.

Obviously, HTC stands for Heavy Time Compensation!

Trillian does this (and has done this for a long time) using Bonjour.

And if you don't have bedbugs, you also have the start of a very nice Sourdough starter.

I don't know about you, but I thought it was Robert Downey Junior's portrayal of Tony Stark in the Iron Man Movies that was modeled (at least in part) after Elon Musk.

Erm... We know that Sean Young's character is a replicant, and it's implied that Harrison Ford's character may also be a replicant. Given their 4-year lifespans, it makes it somewhat difficult to make either a sequel or a prequel with them in it. Explaining Ford's (very obvious and very difficult to cover up without

What if I told you that "Self Raising Flour" is just plain flour and baking powder mixed in a ratio of 1.25tsp baking powder per cup of flour?

Given that they're buried under the asphalt (rather than being exposed), road salt and the like wouldn't be a problem. And there wouldn't need to be that much power that goes into this system, just the net difference between the power generated from braking and the power used by accelerating (As they're electric,

Well, and depleted uranium.

It won't help them. At all. It only works to around 500 meters, so it's even more restricting than current DSL systems. For rural customers the best bet is (still) 802.11 over a strongly directional waveguide antenna, that'll easily get you hops of 3-5Km, 5-10 if you want to push it, can be run with cheap OTS

For the longest time, in the UK at least, the advice was to "Soak a tea towel in water and throw that over the fire". The towel holds the water in, rather than having it mix with (and displace) the oil/grease, it also forms a solid sheet, which starves the oxygen out, and cold water cools the fire also.

Greek yoghurt is considerably thicker than regular yoghurt (closer to cream cheese) as it has the whey strained out.

Chances are he meant to say "Pool". As in "Betting Pool".

I saw a much cheaper/easier version of this that used a static camera and a "Line" laser. You swept the line laser horizontally over the object, and the static camera noted the distortions in what should be a straight line. With a couple of different camera points, you could very quickly (and incredibly cheaply) get a

So, if we could just get Mr. Bryan Cranston to play Gordon Freeman in a live-action adaptation of the Half-Life series, that'd be great.

So Zirconium Alloy + Steam = Hydrogen? And Hydrogen + O2 + Platinum (Fuel Cell) = Power (+ Water/Steam (+ Platinum, as it's a catalyst to the process and isn't used up by the process))...

I use wired everywhere a machine is that's not going to be moved (if it supports it). So Wireless on the Wii, cellphones and my Skype phone. And don't use WiFi for TV purposes. Most only support up to 802.11g, which isn't fast enough to stream HD content (720p maybe, not definitely not 1080p).