
Generally, pipe bombs have something in them (they're not HOLLOW) and have some kind of triggering mechanism, usually cables/wires of some description.

VOTE: Sennheiser HD280

And besides which, you'll likely get burned by the hot shell casing being ejected from the (now upwards-facing) port and (being caught by gravity so it ends up) hitting your knuckles.

I really doubt any entertainment center's doors seal well enough to actually make a vacuum. The worst that you'll have is a "Negative pressure" zone, which cools just as well, but means that dust and hair and the like is attracted to every gap. The opposite (a "Positive pressure" zone, obviously) involves having the

I'm sorry, but internet connections are not "Finite things". It is up to an ISP to provision enough aggregate bandwidth to meet the needs of it's customers. The ISPs are implementing caps so they can effectively rest on their copper laurels, raking in the profits while doing the bare minimum needed to supply their

Generally, if I subscribe to an ISP's service, and am buying x amount of bandwidth, I expect to be able to use that bandwidth. To use the slashdot favourite of the car analogy, it's like selling someone a car that can do 300km/h, but only giving them 10 litres of gas. If the ISP has difficulty supplying the bandwidth

Welcome back, IrDA, we missed you.

Not really. Because the way the European/English "A" standard works, you've always got an "A" size. See, if you take a sheet of A4 ("Letter"-ish for you Americans out there) and fold it in half, you have 2 sheets of A5. And so on, both down and up (A0 is defined as being one square meter). It's a very handy system.

Something else you didn't mention: Wood's rougher surface makes it easier to hold a grip. Metal, fibreglass and plastic are all glass-smooth, and liable to slip (even with ridges and bumps on them to help).

Now playing

I think you need to adjust your estimation just a little

Google Maps on iOS? There IS no official Google Maps on iOS. You can use the Google Maps website (Which is what they're doing here), but at the moment there is no Google Maps. It's not "purposely made by google to suck". If you're talking about maps in iOS 5, it's because it hasn't been updated by Google or Apple.

Was he talking about Kohls the Department store, or Coles the Bookstore?

Where did the post "20 Years of Scrollbars in One Glorious Image [Image Cache]" go? It was posted in your RSS feed, but the url for it (http://gizmodo.com/5946738/20-years-of-scrollbars-in-one-glorious-image) returns nothing...

Well, as you've mis-spelled "Bouncy" I'm not surprised. Though it appears that the correctly-spelled version is also available.

If you look, it does. The only things that come out of the top there are connectors for things like the laptop. Everything else (including the power bar to power the lot) is inside that opening section.

Definitely. Just take the description of the "Blood harvester" from H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds http://books.google.ca/books?id=fZqLqLdFtYkC&lpg=PP1&ots=-XZ61aHKeQ&pg=PA110#v=onepage&q=spider&f=false

You worked at Starbucks, you love coffee, so why in the name of all that is caffeinated would you buy a Keurig? http://gizmodo.com/5889060/k+cups-not-only-make-bad-coffee-they-make-bad-environments?tag=keurig

Source for that image. ASAHP!

My reaction to seeing "Science Fiction & Fantasy" together (as they generally are in bookstores) is "Get your damned Elves off the bridge of my Starship!"

Sounds (and looks) rather similar to the stuff they use for "Transitions" lenses/sunglasses.