
Or you could use this $4 ice-cream scoop ([www.foodservicewarehouse.com]) and a bowl of warm water. You place/dip the scoop in the warm water between scoops. Perfect, easy scooping every time. It works with plastic scoops too, though not quite so well.

The common (And fun) one I've heard of is for the officer to ask you to say "The Leith Police Dismisseth Us".

Given that Iron Man 3 has been (pretty much) confirmed (Which more than likely means the Black Widow is AOK too), Thor is an immortal god, and pretty much ditto Hulk, Hawkeye is the most "Expendable" of the Avengers.

Troll 2 is awesome... If you watch it with RiffTrax commentary. Otherwise, not so much.

Thanks to the magic of FireFox and tab grouping, I have 27 tabs open right now without issue. Having 16GB ram helps (It was a problem with only 2, ergo the upgrade).

No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered

The way I heard it, it was constructed upon said collection, not necessarily consisting of the aforementioned collection.

Human After All is good. Alive is excellent. But Discovery is awesome, mainly because of Interstalla 5555. It puts the music together and tells a story. Dance-Opera?

Except that this isn't "Artificial" temporal smoothing. The original source was filmed at 48FPS, and is being shown at 48FPS.

Actually, in the cinema, the frame rate is 24FPS, but the image is flashed three times per frame. It's the same frame, so there is a visible jerkiness.

You did WATCH the video, right. In that exploded view (0:26), the green swirling plate with the turbine blades on it behind the motor... That would be a suction turbine, wouldn't it?

Meh. If it's on a tripod just leave the shutter open for "a year and a day". :)

You won't be able to tell from that video - It's compressed by Youtube, which will use AAC or MP3 (Both "Lossy" formats) to compress the audio. So the "Lossless" part will be compressed with a "Lossy" compression scheme, thus introducing compression artifacts (The things you're meant to be listening out for).

Another point is that I'm blonde haired. So "Stubble" doesn't show for me, and short beards (less than an inch long) just look scruffy. So it's either totally clean shaven (Which neither I (cause I look like a kid, not the 32-year-old man I am), nor my wife, like) or longer beards. And the long beard also fits my SCA

My "dating life" is nonexistent; My wife would get quite jealous and hurt. When I do trim my beard, she complains "Why is the beard gone?", and is quite upset until she gets used to it being shorter.

I started off wet shaving, but my beard hair grows in every which direction, so I had to use lots of small strokes in all kinds of directions, to get it all. Doing so meant a lot of the time I was also shaving against the grain. This ended up causing my face to get torn to shreds. I switched to electric, which was

VOTE: Debian

The best nail clippers I've ever used weren't clippers at all. They were nail scissors, with rounded points, and a large lever action (The cutting part was about a centimeter long, while the handles were four or five centimeters long). This would cut any nail you cared to throw at it (even my big toenails, which have

IF there was the total elimination of air drag, AND there was some kind of frictionless method of movement, THEN you could indeed "coast" and recover some of the energy at the end (Not all of the energy, of course, as no energy conversion is 100% efficient). BUT they are assuming that a MagLev system still remains