
That's fine, except that NASA uses metric.

Applications under linux/unix/BSD can be set up to run in what is known as a "chroot jail". Getting out of this chroot jail to the root of the underlying system is known as "jailbreaking".

6 AA batteries? /6/?! That seems more than a little excessive.

How about us in the Great White North?

Well, considering Christmas was copied from the original pagan holiday of Yule and/or the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, to try and get those "heathens" to convert more easily, and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the birth of Christ (Which happened in late August/early September), why wouldn't they?

Now playing

I believe the appropriate comment at this point is "Bitch, please!". Especially considering this is only 2 out of 4 launches they have (3 being the space rocket, 4 being the submarine), and not including the various other "tools" they have available. And 5 doesn't launch per se, what with it being in synchronous

UMG is the one issuing the DMCA takedown notices to Youtube, who's automated system then automatically takes down the video. Mega have filed a counter-claim, which got it back up for a few seconds, then UMG issued another notice, and Mega's account is being flagged as having "repeated infringements", and may get

Yup. Universal Music Group have made (several) unlawful/illegal claims against this video. Unlawful and illegal because the entire thing was bought and paid for by Megaupload, and UMG have no rights to it whatsoever: [torrentfreak.com]

Now playing

For the most part, turbines can survive 100MPH winds just fine (as the rest of the turbines in that farm did), as they "feather" the vanes and brake the turbine to ensure it doesn't overspeed. Sometimes, however, the feathering or braking methods fail, and they come apart in quite catastrophic manner (as per the

Erm. At the moment you CAN'T "Replace". CM for Touchpad only supports a side-by-side install. Not that it makes that much difference, as the WebOS install is fairly small to start with.

Did you even watch the video? That huge plume of fire and smoke that came from the parachute cable at the last moment there? Those are rockets.

To quote Maxim #11 (of the "Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries): Everything is air-droppable at least once. ([www.schlockmercenary.com])

Personally, our secure document disposal method goes something like this:

Wow. The resizing really made a meal out of that GIF, didn't it?

Making ad-filled sites less miserable? AdBlock is my first port of call, of course. And once that's done it's thing, Stylish helps remove all the crufty space left over, and in some cases can reformat the site to better fit my screen too.

Of course she is. Reading to small children, you want them to learn good diction. That means you have to make sure you En-nun-see-ate every word properly.

No. As the article says: "The device sits inside a lady's panties with its tip resting on her privates." That's ON, not IN. So it rests in the cleft, with the "display" (presumably) on her pubic mound. Think of it as upside-down in the image above.

Odd. I've got some official CSI-branded crime scene scotch tape (in a dispenser) that we picked up a few years at Wal-Mart ago for $1.50 or so. [www.thewsreviews.com]