
Way to completely misconstrue the findings. The AI that "Read" the manual was exactly the same AI as it's opponent(s). It merely had access to the extra material from the manual. At no point were other human players involved. It didn't have any access to any of the game internals, and all it could do was "read" the

It's a shame this WON'T work with my Samsung Instinct.

Unfortunately, not any longer.

You can add your parents on G+. And if you don't want them to see something, then don't post it to the circle they're in.

pool.ntp.org is (as the name suggests) an alias for a pool of time servers, using round-robin DNS allocation to randomize traffic allocation. As it currently stands, pool.ntp.org contains 2,450 individual servers. They can handle the load of a few thousand lifehacker users polling their service once a week, as they

And the NSFW tag wasn't enough for you? Nor the reference to "fleshbot" as the very first word? Or the category of "SEX". Could they have made it much more explicit? If you're too stupid to read the warnings that were put there for your own protection, it's hardly their fault, is it? I mean, you had to CLICK on NSFW

Why would you use POP when GMail supports the awesomeness that is IMAP!

I don't know about the US, but in the UK "Stopping" and "Parking" are different things. You can legally stop to load/unload a vehicle for 15 minutes (Provided there's no other markings saying no stopping, or no loading/unloading) without getting a parking ticket. But do beware, if there is a traffic warden there,

Same here, unfortunately. Is it just us? Do we smell?

AWESOME!!! Have a heartclick!

No way, not possible. Not using "Side by side", anyway. If they said they were using "Interlaced", and providing your got the sheet perfectly matching the dot pitch of the screen, then yes, but never "Side by Side". If that was the case, it would have to deflect the light almost half the width of the screen, in a

No they weren't, pedals getting stuck under carpets, or idiots stamping on the wrong pedal, were to blame.

Did anyone else notice that this "Lego" car has real wheels and suspension (You can see as it's being lowered), which makes me think it's more a "Lego Skin" over a real car.

Same here. uTorrent on the desktop(s), Transmission with Flexget (In this case) as RSS aggregator.

Now playing

Not my favourite wizard. Anyone who grew up in the UK will recognise this one.

We switched to SaskTel DSL some time back, as their unlimited internet service really is unlimited. The cable provider (Access Communications) gives you a "generous" 75GB over a 30-day period, but if you exceed that your bandwidth gets throttled to near 56k speeds.

As mentioned in this video, recycling PET plastic uses approximately 50% of the energy needed to make new PET.