
It's got to be first getting onto FidoNet (with a national-rate call!) on my Amiga. Shortly followed by IRC in the local bar (that happened to have a couple of internet stations - Win 3.1 with Win32s to run mIRC and Netscape Navigator 4 with Java!)

That's hardly THAT much of a badge of pride (The Creative MP3 player): I've got a (still working) Diamond Rio 500 around here somewhere.

Daft Punk have already said they're moving on. And if you grab the Tron: Legacy DVD and watch the "The Last Day: Flynn Lives Revealed" extra (Which has a little), then put "ALL" on the highscore table afterwards, you'll get all the teasers. Including.

I love the irony of this being supposed "NVidia next-gen hair physics", yet the video clearly states it's running on an ATI Radeon.

Irony alert: A poster named "Proofer 3" posting the sentence "Hand written noted help you remember good, also."

There's no option to sort by penis.

I love the fact that your posted clip is not actually from Top Gear at all. It's from Clarkson's independent video ("Clarkson: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly"). And at the end he also states it's not true (Which was cut from the posted clip, incidentally).

The BBC is not "Government Funded", it is "License fee payer funded" - Everyone in the UK with a TV has to pay a "License fee". That money then goes directly to the BBC, with no government fingers anywhere near it. They are strictly independent of the UK government, and in many cases have been it's most forthright

I saw one of these as an external waterer, where they used a standard ballcock-type valve to fill a reservoir inside, which then led through a U-shaped tube, to the bowl outside. This route was taken as their dog tended to chew on pipes and valves and the like that were sticking into it's bowl. The equal air pressure

You might want to look at that again, friend: "Bigamy is the act of entering into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another". So if you have 3 wives, you are guilty of 2 counts of bigamy. Polygamy would be living together, even if they're not actually married. In this case, it was definitely

Often, what they do is marry and divorce (in short order), with the "Wives" electing to keep their husband's name. However there have been some prosecutions, as these live-in ex-wives could be considered de-facto "Common-Law marriages", which then makes them guilty of Bigamy.

Polygamy is as illegal in Utah as it is everywhere else in the US. It is a FEDERAL offense, and thus illegal even if there isn't a hard-and-fast rule against it on state books. However, Utah does have a history of using it's existing Bigamy laws to convict Polygamous "families". From Wikipedia:

Ah, good old Oscar Wilde: Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.

Given that the first wife didn't know about the second, it's not polygamy at all, but bigamy, which is old hat TBH.

Correct. Technically, however, the offense committed here is "Bigamy" ([en.wikipedia.org] as the first wife didn't know about the second (and, presumably, vice versa) and they were not living together. Epic article fail.

This, unfortunately.

Not quite. They were also using the captured image to generate images - for example, the texture of the tabletop being used on the generated "terrain" in the putt-putt game.

If you're drilling a pipe that deep anyway, why not just go Geothermal.

They were taking the cooling water that was heated into steam and cooling it back into water. No water was being added, just the same water circulating. They couldn't add more water, as at the time there was no power to drive pumps or anything else. If there was no leak, the condensing of the steam would have kept the