
@wu-stix: This is rather simple, really. There is a mirror inside the cylinder that's pointed down at an LCD display at a 45 degree angle, and the mirror is then rotated at very high speed. When the mirror position is matched to the LCD refresh rate, you get a nice 3D display like this one. The problem is that it's

@Whitson Gordon: Yes, Linux or BSD-based OS' set the battery-backed clock in the PC (And, therefore, in the BIOS) to UTC. Windows sets it to the current timezone. This registry hack tells Windows that the BIOS clock is in UTC. There is a similar flag you can set in Linux (possibly in BSD too) to tell it to set the

@diabeetis: Load it into MythTV and use the "Timestretch" feature to play it back at 2x? 1.5x is good for most TV, it has to be said, and if you add the commercial skipping feature, an hour-long TV show takes only 30 minutes.

@nimmo1492: If the UK Debit card is a Visa Delta, then it does, you're just calculating it wrong.

@JalopJeff: Oh, I know Canada doesn't have quite the same stigma as the US does (As I now live in Saskatchewan, having moved from The UK 6 years ago), but compared to Europe car sizes and engine types are still skewed FAR in favour of large cars and gasoline. Here in SK, at least, I personally know no person that owns

Now playing

You said inspired by The Beach Boys, my first thought was Beck and Michel Gondry

@MifuneT: Way back in the mists of time (The late 70's/early 80's), GM tried to make a whole range of diesel vehicles by cheating, taking their standard gasoline engines and swapping the cylinder heads for "fuel injected" ones. Then then compounded the problem by using a chain to drive the fuel pump & injector timing

Put it in a HTPC, connected to a HDTV, and use the Bluetooth PS3 remote to control the whole shebang. Then you can hide your PC (including a nice big RAID array of 2GB hard-drives and enough air cooling to stop an F5 tornado) in the basement or in a separate "equipment cupboard/room", and get the perfectly silent 0db

@sassafras: Actually, 44.1 kHz was originally chosen by Sony because it could be recorded on modified video equipment running at either 25 frames per second (PAL) or 30fps (using an NTSC monochrome video recorder) and cover the 20 kHz bandwidth thought necessary to match professional analog recording equipment of the

@A7: AIUI, Essentially, GSM (AT&T/T-Mo/Rogers/Fido/Most-Of-Europe's system) has two separate systems, GSM for voice (And SMS, which is sent in the "keepalive" headers for GSM essentially "for free"), and GSM Line 2 (Yes, GSM does support 2 lines, at 9600bps each, for a total of 14.4k "Raw" data. Real 1G

@Googlo The Peasant: Go Pay-As-You-Pimp until the new iDevice comes out, if you're an Apple zealot. Or get something nicely Android flavoured, with a high likelihood of upgrading it to Gingerbread/Honeycomb when they are released.

Cats + High Surfaces + cable-drop lights? Disaster of rewiring proportions inbound...

Private Video. Fortunately, Engadget has their own copy hosted here: [www.engadget.com]

@r0y: It could be that this technology is using horizontal and vertical polarization. Then it would be a matter of having one glasses lens horizontal and the other vertical, and using a second liquid crystal sheet (after the second polarizer) to switch the interference angle. Then they can switch the angle the picture

I run XBMC. On an XBox. Inorite?

Wow. Welcome to 2007!

Ctrl-` (Most FPS gamers would know this as Ctrl-~) has always worked for tabbing through groups, even way back when the feature was an extension called "Tab Candy".

Lady Penelope's FAB1 looks like a Rolls-Royce, because it IS a Rolls-Royce. Gerry Anderson actually got permission to use the RR likeness and insignia, as well as supplying a radiator grille complete with Spirit of Ecstasy for close-up shots of the car, on the proviso that the vehicle was always referred to as a

Connect to the Cisco, have it reconfigure the shell metals. Use the gold titanium alloy from the Seraphim tactical satellite. That should ensure a fuselage integrity while while maintaining power-to-weight ratio. Got it?