
I... that’s not remotely what I said.  Without any indication of age, how would we know whether she’s within even 15 years of menopause?  What if she’s like 35?  It’d be ridiculously irresponsible for a medical staff to just shrug and go “Early-onset Menopause, definitely.” for anyone under 40 wouldn’t it?

As someone above mentioned, the lack of menstruation for 9 straight months should have been noticed by the people cleaning and changing her linens and laundry, at the very least, overweight or not.

“Plot holes” in the story to be sure. It’s entirely possible for a medication regimen to leave one without menstruation... but that would also likely act as effective prophylaxis as well. You can’t have it both ways, AFAIK.

You don’t use a lot of calories lying in bed?  “Healthy” doesn’t necessarily mean “on time and overweight”, either.  Could have been a month early and underweight but lacking any obvious birth defects or life-threatening conditions besides low weight and still be called “healthy”, I’m betting.

I’m aware that public urination even without any indecent exposure charge can often lead to the sex offender registry, yes.  But if that last sentence was true, I doubt that those same registries would be quite so overflowing as they are.

I wanted to disagree - so many so-called “sex offenders” are guilty of merely getting caught shagging in a car or bathroom or of being on the wrong side of 18 from their girlfriend (almostt never the other way ‘round, note).

$0. I’ve never had one. Okay, I briefly had one in the name of a fictional character when I worked for an IHE in a support position and it was a good idea to keep an ear to the ground when the students would get annoyed about things. Searching for the school’s name plus things like “sucks”, “doesn’t work” or “not

Charges of impersonating a police officer would be dropped almost immediately. No reasonable witnesses would believe a real police officer would interact with anyone without riddling them full of holes “in fear for their life”, let alone someone who was actually assaulting them rather than running away, selling

On the one hand, it’s what license plates and mobile device cameras are for. I’m consistently surprised that no enterprising town has ever tried to set up a reward-based hotline and web site for reporting verifiable illegal parking. Get the citizens to do your parking enforcement for you... or at least the hard part

Doesn’t a wartime economy usually boost employment, not the other way around?  I get the danger of voter anger over spiking unemployment.  I get the danger of “our President right or wrong” in wartime.  I just don’t see how both could happen at the same time.

If the RNC looks like it’s running out of money, I guarantee you it’s an accounting trick designed specifically to boost fundraising. Hell, they’re backed by the Koch brothers, the Waltons, and every other new-age Robber Baron in the country, a population that’s been exploding in the last 20 years.

Double-sided trolling.  He (or she) may be misapplying that criticism to you... but that doesn’t make the criticism itself wrong, in essence.

Presuming that the victims aren’t keeping any additional information from us or just forgetting it - like that truck cutting them off or honking at them for some percieved sleight on the highway earlier, that sort of thing - I’m terrified to live in an America where a random stranger drives up to you in a parking lot

Of all the things I’d blame the guy for, this isn’t one of them. Money is money. People who sneer at picking up pennies from the sidewalk have never gone hungry, is all.

It’s not so much this attitude that’s the problem.  After all, voters like that aren’t the ones actually dismantling all social safety nets and public benefits programs.  It’s the cynical abuse of this natural, if ignorant, human tendancy by the Republican party that’s absolutely disgusting.

While I agree it’s not necessarily a good path to getting your message heard, understood, and accepted... show me where being an asshole or even acting like one, is mutually exclusive with being right?

These guys have lawyers that took on the IRS itself and didn’t just win, they got them to back down on their own. That never happens, since the IRS believes that pretty much all personal property in the U.S. belongs to them once you’ve made one tiny mistake or stepped 10 cents over the line somewhere.

The only thing that sounds strange about this story is Scientology setting up any operations whatsoever in low income neighborhoods. I thought their entire modus operandi was converting the wealthy, to keep their coffers nice and full of tax-free money.  I can’t imagine what they’d get out of a bunch of low-income

Some of these I get, some I don’t.

If their POS system can document their meal as not containing sushi, all it will take is the Facebook post saying “I found a worm in my sushi”. That, and some declining sales figures, or possibly even a trend of bad reviews or even the comments & likes on the Facebook post. All pretty doable, compared to the usual