
To be fair, cashing a foreign check for so much as 10 cents - hell, even one issued by that bank - at a bank at which you do not have an account is an exercise in futility. They never EVER want to do it and will find reasons and make you jump through hoops for an hour then refuse anyway. I’ve never, ever seen it work,

Whoever’s on the hook for that $300 is, in theory, supposed to be motivated by desire not to lose it, to make sure the accused shows up for court rather than having to be arrested on another charge and waste police manpower. In theory.

They literally have more money than most of the countries in the Western Hemisphere. They could buy and sell more than half of the states in the Union and still be liquid enough to operate.

I could have sworn that PA was a one-party consent state commonwealth?  I’m sure I heard of people being pissed but having no legal recourse regarding telephone conversations that were recorded without their knowledge.  I’ve no idea why that would be under a two-party statute.

You gotta figure that ice cream is a lot like fried chicken. Automatic, broad if not quite universal appeal, hard to screw up completely, sells itself, etc. As long as you have a remotely accessible location, it’s hard to imagine failing except through fierce competition with another business, or your own incompetence.

There’s no “h”, it’s just “waling, meaning “to raise welts upon by striking vigorously.”

CHRIST, how hard is it to understand that what actually rules in Venezuela has as close a relationship to Democratic Socialism as what goes on in the U.S. economy does to a well-regulated Free Market as defined in the Wealth of Nations? Adam Smith’s grave should be hooked up to a turbine. We’ve perverted his ideas so

GOP policy and propaganda hard at work, coupled with rigorous dismantling of public education. Rich folks can always pay for competent, private education. Everyone else is then more easily duped. “You can always pay half the poor to kill the other half”, as has been observed. All you have to do is convince them that

Wrong tree, actually. I worked in higher ed for 20 years. It’s not the six-figure professors that are the waste. It’s the near-seven-figure Administrators and Coaches that are really not adding anything and titanic wastes of cash.

I imagine it’s a lot like insurance. Everybody resents being forced to pay, and either imagines getting nothing for it or is inevitably disappointed in what they do get for their money.

The ownership class always thinks they have enough tough guys with guns, axe-handles, teargas, saps, etc. to handle the violence.  They think the National Guard is a good Plan B for when that finally happens.  They’re always wrong, eventually.

It’s hard to fill out a union card on your 90-second once-a-day, timed bathroom break, especially when your mandatory GPS tracker will report on you if you don’t actually sprint to the bathroom 3 floors and a football field away.

White may trump everything else, but male still trumps female regardless of race.  A man can shoot a kid for walking down the street if he gets nervous, but if women started shooting the people who abuse them daily and keep them living in fear?  Can’t have that, the Patriarchy might end...

Fortunately, I know lawyers with hearts and souls and empathy and consciences and rock-solid ethics. They do exist. I don’t even know that they’re rare.

The key is that word “unfettered”. Like almost everything else under the sun, Capitalism is neither a good nor a bad thing inherently and implicitly in all circumstances. It depends very much how we use it, how much of it there is and how it applies to a given circumstance. Economic opportunity that allows for new

I didn’t tell you to change your tone.  I didn’t say that Mr. Nancy’s speech was untrue or didn’t resonate.  I simply said that you’re attacking overreaction to peaceful but sincere protests against injustice with what amounts to an incitement to horrific murder, and you know it.  Context is still king.

Tuna might be more popular if the industry that produces it stopped grinding up dolphins and lying about it. A decal on a label is not environmental responsibility, it’s a marketing gimmick. I don’t believe for a second there are USDA inspectors on tuna boats making sure they aren’t killing dolphins, and even if there

Okay, I’m with you in principle, and I admit that rich, white folks do a lot of pearl-clutching about their property values and “looters” the instant angry protestors show up, no matter how otherwise well behaved they are.

Isn’t 99 cents a bit steep for a sandwich, for that time period? Minimum wage was $1 in 1958...

Too bad the “process” they are obligated to follow prior to termination includes paid vacation time and then NOT FIRING ANYBODY, I’m sure.  But what can you do?  Gotta follow the rules (when it suits them).