
You’ll only see this in years where the Senate has a very comfy GOP majority, as it does now. Democrats don’t want actual campaign finance reform any more than mice want a better mousetrap. But it’s good political theater to be able to blame your opponents for not passing reform when you can safely be assured it has

Republican claim: “Teh poor brown immigrants criminals are bankrupting our economy with entitlements!”

Speak for yourself. Some of us still despair at the choice between Wal-Mart and Aldi versions of plain sliced turkey. It’s a choice between “can’t afford”, “tasteless” or “actively tastes terrible” over here. So I eat a lot less sandwiches now...

Relax. Granted, that could have gone the other way had the judge had his head wedged up his rectum as solidly as the proponents of the law in question. But it didn’t.

There’s no need for name calling. Yes, most of McDonalds menu is cheap crap, but the breakfast sandwiches (the normal ones, not the crap with pancakes for buns) are and have always been a notable exception.

If you’re in the Northeast like I am and can get to a Wawa, they’re a pretty good close second, if only because they appear to put some actual work and value into their offerings. They still don’t have that magic that Mickey D does, though, even if the deal (more sandwich and/or free or discounted coffee for less

You do realize that “3rd-party vendor” in the statement about the venues where they do offer Kosher food, likely means “brought-in-and-reheated, pre-packaged Kosher airline food”, right?

Starbucks? Really? Might as well put the “PAID ARTICLE” disclaimer right at the top, ‘cause that’s some quality shilling right there.

I was honestly expecting the explanation to be that the damned thing was a hyper-realistic sculpture or fiberglass decoration or something.  She should blow out her knees every time she takes a step...

The guy’s scum, no doubt, but this is just a tiny bit, just the most ifinitessimally detectable amount racist. Or is it just bigoted since Nordic folks are white?

HIs point is that Jews fleeing persecution in 1930s Germany were innocent, blameless, good people, but the folks in Tijuana right now are all a bunch of MS13 criminal scum.

Especially for the growing number of Americans who struggle to afford soda, (which is why it’s the #1 most purchased comestible in SNAP), let alone your fancy millennial drinks.

Even a sandwich with what amounts to a single ounce of cheese and half as much Grade D cold cuts as should be on that much bread, along with 5 cents of shredded lettuce, the cheapest possible pickles, and a quarter of an anemic tomato costs more than $5 with the way Big Food is gouging everyone these days. Store-brand

What’s a good standard for “so much”? I’m one person with one cat, and I fill my laundry-basket-sized recycling tub about once every month, not including cardboard. And a decent portion of that is glass. And a huge chunk, perhaps even half of what isn’t glass comes from 1 or 2 game nights of company bringing their own

While I realize that AWD and Traction Control (like anti-lock brakes before them) aren’t a license to drive like a nincompoop and stop paying attention despite poor conditions... asking regular Average Joes What Don’t Wrench to change their tires twice a year (let alone own 2 sets), is a big ask, especially at what

This race and the Georgia gubernatorial race seem like prima facie evidence that it does not, in fact, affect the outcome. Lying, cheating, Republican members of the Good ol’ Boy’s club for Rich White Connected Dudes from the Right Rich Families win no matter what anyone does, it seems...

Except they’re not complaining about porn here. They’re complaining about a healthy, well-reasoned, experienced approach to a talk about rational, safe, reasonable sexual behavior to people who need it most: inexperienced young people full of more hormones than sense.

You’re forgetting that he paid her to not tell anyone about it.  The sex was actually in exchange for some vague (and completely unfulfilled) promises about a TV role that never happened.

Conservatives - usually the more wealthy, powerful ones, of course - tend to prefer that women be motivated to bone only by whatever violent, financial, or social pressure can be applied to them, not out of their own free will. And men, of course, should only be allowed to copulate with those women their superiors

I’m almost completely flabbergasted that anyone with any power over an election, from any branch of government, appointed by Jeb Bush, has even the tiniest smidgen of ethical integrity to do such a thing.  After the way he handed the presidency to his brother in blatant defiance of the law and ethics, I find it hard