
The GOP thinks the states should govern, and that the federal government is best used to transfer wealth from everyone else to their donors via the Fed, tax cuts, deregulation, and lax enforcement of the law on Wall Street.  Oh, and insider trading.  Forgot that one.

Even Republican resources aren’t infinite. It costs money, time, and man-hours of the right talented and/or powerful people in the right positions to influence elections without obviously “fixing” them. So they have to pick and choose the most important ones based on the current landscape and their overall agenda for

Call it what it is, Sophie. Incompetence is trying but failing to do one’s job through lack of skill, effort, diligence, or a combination thereof. This is malfeasance, deliberately not doing one’s job out of disregard, spite, or corruption. That being the job of protecting the public and providing due process (for

No respect for the classics? I still recall the doctor’s orders last time I had a stomach virus: Bananas, applesauce, ginger ale, saltines, or broth, and NOTHING else. That’s been my go-to regular-flu menu with the addition of other sick day classics like chicken soup or peanut butter (originally developed to be easy

A rundown of at least the major ingredients would have been nice, Kevin.

I miss WoW the way people at the Methadone clinic miss junk. I know it’s bad for me, so I avoid it. And by “it”, I mean Blizzard games, not just Warcraft.

And here I thought women were less shallow about outward appearance than men.  I guess there have to be exceptions even if that were true...

Point: Suicidal people are often surprisingly upbeat. They’re about to achieve surcease from whatever pain they can no longer tolerate. That’s not unusual.

Tempted to spend the rest of the day making burners explicitly to give you more stars.

Wait, so regardless of the races or genders of people involved... I can actually call the police and something might actually happen to people I see parking like jackasses?

Right.  We’re supposed to believe they’re some sort of mutant marshmallow, and NOT cut directly from the padding inside old gym mats?

Everybody knows Peeps reproduce by budding. It’s why they come joined together like that. They only ship one in each package when they leave the factory...

While the need to violate the law doesn’t seem to have stopped Trump, or GOP leadership at any point in the past from getting what they want, I’ll say this: It would be interesting watching them try to avoid articles of impeachment for something as glaring as a violation of Posse Comitatus.

What you don’t get, Steve, is that most of us here in Ameria think that’s reason enough to have them deported to, I dunno, the point in the Australian Outback geographically furthest from any fresh water, let’s say... and shot summarily if they protest even in the slightest. (EDIT: Note that I’m picking that example

The Democrats didn’t so much reject their racist past as most of the Southern racists within the party fled to form the GOP as it became the party overwhelmingly funded by wealthy industrialists (at the time, anyway).

Woodchuck’s great number and variety of flavors is both its strength and its weakness. They’re kind of like Beatles or Rolling Stones music.

“Umami” makes perfect sense for 1963.  I can imagine it took at least 8 years for Japanese loanwords to become acceptable in America...  I’m surprised it wasn’t longer.

Marketing for a company that big is too smart to poke the Evangelicals.  Most of them like a good burger as much as the next person, so why antagonize them?  Heck, most of the ones I’ve met keep chowing down right through Lent...

# of films dated 2000 or newer: one

Keep in mind that statement about handgun effective ranges only holds true for untrained shooters. It’s more like “to the end of the block” for someone who’s had training, or even has favorable conditions (several seconds to aim while you run in a straight line).