
Having been a bit too young to really Grok the end of Apartheid at the time, and it of course not being covered more than a sentence or two in school, I had to go read up on the TRC. And, from what I read, that should NOT be your model for what improvement of human rights and political divisions thereof looks like in

Unfortunately, reality doesn’t give a shit about our ideological biases or bigotry. Sooner or later, the consequences will reassert themselves. In the case of abuse of women and sexual misconduct, it may have to go as far as some kind of Handmaid’s Tale-style dystopia before a bloody uprising occurs. If you abuse a

I’d like to think that on the one hand, if people are free to protest and weather the oppression of authority (legal or otherwise) as the price for their expression, I don’t see why the authorities, clearly disagreeing with established law in this case, can’t protest it like this as well.

I’ve found that if you have good-quality clumping clay litter and reuse old bags and baggies you would be tossing anyway, your ordinary trash can doesn’t smell at all.  Either that or I have toxoplasmosis and I can’t smell it anyway...  I think you’d need something like that if you used that organic, biodegradable

I’ve found that if you have good-quality clumping clay litter and reuse old bags and baggies you would be tossing

I finally wised up and found an old, huge (like 32-ounce) wide-base thermal mug to use as a water dish for my fuzzy roommate. She’s one of those who fears fountains, but can’t see the surface unless it’s moving and therefore has to hit the bowl until it splashes and spills (‘cause getting her paw wet is just out of

I finally wised up and found an old, huge (like 32-ounce) wide-base thermal mug to use as a water dish for my fuzzy

I was going to say. What a crying shame. I was told they were a “garbage” cut because of how much you have to buy and make to get a few portions of actual meat, and because of the moderately unusual techniques required to make them (i.e., you can’t just roast ‘em or throw ‘em in a pan or on a grill). I really only

I may be lumping myself in with “those men” you’re referring to by even bringing it up, but it IS a hell of a leap to assume that I’m into groping as courtship behavior based on not being cool with rape allegations for being in the damned mood.

Don’t mention responsive desire over on Jezebel. Seduction, no matter how gentle, if not even involving no touching or even words, between established partners in a committed relationship is still “rape” ‘round those parts. At least, when a man employs it on his female partner, anyway. So much as a suggestively raised

I’d say it became obvious when the sitting POTUS conspired with his party to commit burglary of DNC offices in 1972, and then plead innocence until tapes proving his guilt were uncovered.

If the Echo Dot is $49 and regularly goes on sale for $40, why is the same thing with no speaker $35? Should be more like $20 or $25 if they really want people to be slapping them everywhere.

What I want to know is: why are there so many YouTube videos of modern automobiles (2005 or newer) sliding down icy hills with their wheels so obviously locked?

Conveniently, they’re also much easier to forget to set when parking, thereby saving the tow truck driver (or repo person if you’re in that predicament) precious minutes breaking in to release it as they prepare to ransom your first or second most expensive possession back to you for a few hundred dollars.

It’s not that they aren’t trying, it’s that the Founders were just smart enough for their forethought to still make some small difference even after 250+ years of societal and technological change. Examples?

It’s going to get harder to tell the tests from the real thing, at this rate.

I’m sure 9/11 style attacks, especially at that time, would have prompted such a message. Unfortunately, in most areas mobile signal was effectively cut off by overwhelming volume at the time. I doubt it would have worked, had the technology existed.

Yeah, but if I want to be fair about it I have to stick around all the way through the 80s and 90s and stop LITERALLY EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT from doing the same to the Middle East. And I’d probably have to also go back further and stop European hegemony from doing the same to Africa over the previous century or two.

You’re not wrong. I was just trying to bring attention to the vast gulf that is profit + labor + other overhead.  It really shouldn’t, at a properly run business, come out to a large multiple of the price of the physical ingredients.  Especially for a minimally processed dish like cereal (or avocado toast).

Fun fact:  that’ll still cost you $7, at least around here.  Sure, you’ll get 3 or 4 bowls out of it instead of 1, and have milk left over, but still.

Unfortunately the present mess isn’t Trump’s fault (I know, cliche).  You’d have to go back to the 1960s and stop the Nixon political machine that corrupted the Republican party so irrevocably.  Probably have to cap the motherfucker, as ruthless as we now know he and his cronies were.  Probably have to off several of

We’ve seen how sensitive the guy is about his hands, and the lengths he’ll go to hurt people who talk about them. She must be really confident or really stupid to talk shit about the genitals of someone who can and likely will exact such terrible revenge and even more likley get away with it. Depending on the guy to