
Good for you.  I’m not saying you can’t do better.  Here in PA you can find Mennonite-run buffets and farmer’s market cafes where you still spend $10 but you get a better experience.  You’re just not walking out of a diner without spending $10, whether you order a short stack and water, 2 eggs and coffee, or an

I dunno about Australia but two eggs, two slices of bacon, and two pieces of toast with coffee is getting damned near $10 here in America, and that’s out here in the sticks with a relatively low cost of living. And you’re lucky if they’ll refill the coffee without dinging you another $2 every time. A coffee shop in a

Call it the Perfect Storm. Presumably he didn’t eat the place empty only one time, and he’s an athlete on an extreme diet. Plus the margin on something as expensive as sushi in an all-you-can-eat setting must be rough to begin with, even compared to similar deals with other cuisines.

Don’t they all? Not the ones in the pictoral, I mean all cats, everywhere, all the time?

Dressing your cat up like Kirby is not going to make it stop being fussy about what it will eat, you know...

That’s very poetic, and I’ll give it a shot.

This is true. The scale of our own lives is, unfortunately, still smaller than the pace of true institutional change (not the surface or appearance thereof). My own grandparents were alive at a time when women were beaten and shamed and institutionalized against their will for daring to suggest that they be allowed to

I’m all about how Family Dollar should change their name because they’re barely a discount store for most stuff... but the fact that they have generic cold, stomach, pain, and eye OTC meds for literally half what any grocery store and a quarter of what any drug store charges kind of redeems them.  Gives them a reason

Halfway between a 2-rotor helicopter and a hovercraft. Those last few frames are likely why it didn’t get adopted, BTW. Note the vast dust cloud being kicked up.

They’re extremely fast, naturally broad at the bow without sacrificing speed or maneuverability, and so they’re quick to load and unload. They can prevent any loaded vehicles or troops from being bogged down in a normal amphibious landing (where you lose a certain, if small percentage of vehicles & equipment simply to

Oh, how I wish that were true. Unfortunately, this is coldly calculated, and part of perhaps the biggest open-secret consipiracy in the history of the United States.

I don’t care if it’s traditional. A lot of ancient food traditions come from places where there was NOTHING BETTER TO EAT at the time. While the Japanese have elevated seafood to an art form, look at how much they LOVE their beef and potatoes (albeit prepared differently than in the West, but still), now that they

Republicans, not conservatives. There have to be precious few of the latter in the GOP at this point. I don’t know what to call them other than criminally reprehensible at this point, ‘cause they sure aren’t conservative.

There should be a corollary to or alternate version of Poe’s Law about not being able to tell the difference between the natively bad grammar of an under-educated low-IQ idiot ranting online and a poorly-translated piece of foreign astroturf propaganda...

I don’t know whether to laugh out loud at the irony of misspelling simple words in the same statement that you belittle someone for being an intellectual, or cry at the consistency of how that proves the writer is not, in fact, an intellectual.  Or educated.  At all.

It’s true. Common courtesy, much like common sense, seems to become increasingly uncommon with time.  This appears to be all that the signs are objecting to:  that people no longer know or care how to accept an important call without disturbing everyone around them.

It is now, but yesterday morning it was a YouTube live feed.  Solid progress bar, live label, the works.  I don’t remember if it was in one of these comments or elsewhere, but someone posted a sign of a room at the tower (which is apparently a bed & breakfast, if you can believe that) where a whole bunch of those

It looked brand-spanking new this morning.  Chilling.

I’ll admit that the tone is a little questionable of a choice, but think of it this way: money is not property. It’s not. It’s not a possession, an heirloom, or anything of the sort. Money is unique.

Dude! The Romans paid Judas, and Shekels were never a Roman currency.  Words really do matter in some cases, as you’ve just proven.  Hatred is infectious, and you’ve been infected.