

WOOOOOWWWW.... that’s DEEP! Never thought about that. That little boy might end up with them, would be interesting. But at the same time, that might be a little too cliche. They already have one white adoptive family with a black boy... we don’t need two on the show. Kate irritate me a lot of times. She has to deal

“Who knows, that little boy might end up with Kate and Toby.........”

Thank you, I am unambiguously black couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. I also wasn’t born here and whilst I understand the historical and social context of the one drop rule,black people who still clingto this rule in 2017 just irk me .

I mean, when I was younger it used to really bother me to see biracial people not identify with being Black. But, I’m old now and I learned you can’t contol people. Let people decide how they want to identify and we can all keep it moving.

Ok. So you’re mixed and you identify as black. cool

I feel some type of way about this. She says she’s mixed and that’s how she identifies. Before she shuttered her little lifestyle blog, she reiterated that she’s mixed. She’s both, that’s she feels. Now while I might feel some way about that. If she feels that’s she’s some special mixed butterfly, let her feel and be

This white person jumped over “sketchy” right onto “terrifying”!!

“Most corner stores are dirty, over-priced, lack variety, and frankly are terrifying to go into

Maybe it’s because I’m Asian, but there’s not one thing about her that makes me think “white”. She’s a very Asian skewing hapa.

Sure, a passing grandparent can produce an obvious child. But not this damn obvious. The chances of this person being, let’s say, less than a quarter Black are almost nil. Like...look at this man. He’s delusional and his family is crazy.

can Steven Yeun’s onscreen character date a white girl or nah?

All this tells us is that old people still buy records.

I mean, because us black people are pretty familiar with this Latino stereotype. Not that funny, but, like, I’m not really that offended. Setting this up as him “telling a racist joke” seems to take this out of context.

Anti black Latinos always confound me. Like you realize they half your team right? Like Afro Latinos are a significant portion of the Global population. But, ok girl. This is why I also enjoy a good laugh when white Latinos tell people they don’t have race/color issues. 

If the pussy isn’t pink you’ve got a problem.

I will fucking say it. HE IS WHITE. Just like I am Black, but 25% of my DNA isn’t.

Also, before some douche corrects me: what “3/4, passing for white with all the privilege that entails” nonsense was that.