
@Cheef: A septapus, of course.

@LordChris915: It kind of surprised me how disgruntled many of FFXIV's NPCs are. I think everyone in Eorzea woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

@KirkVox: Ditto. That's the best ending to anything ever.

@tamahome: I'm about halfway and am still loving it, but with the semester moving into full gear I'm nervous.

@Frosted Mini-Wheats: Slightly different? You dropped bombs into the game through your GBA! There's nothing slight about it!

Yay! I can finally say this without getting people worked up:

@CodenameV: Children of Dune's Cleansing of the House montage is my favourite, most moving scene in anything ever. It just completely stills me every time I see it. I don't know if someone with an actual film background would have a ton of stuff to complain about or anything but I personally think it's amazingly

@ereck: The way I look at it my favourite dinosaur is not only so awesome it absorbed another entire genus, it's also definitional[ly] young, and is therefore categorically cute. Win win!

@Ping: Outside of finding someone to listen to me I've always done the same. I learned it after I realized that even though I spent most study sessions explaining the stuff I did know instead of practicing the stuff I didn't I was still benefiting from the experience.

@Foggen: This is a quality thread.

Yay Dune reference!

@Darklighter: That is awesome. I was frustrated by the phrase too, but that totally redeems it for me.

@mrantimatter: Trickster gods could fit the hero role as well. It just depends on whether they're giving comeuppance to a good guy or a bad guy. I realize though it's not the same thing to say there's a trickster god who's a hero as there's a hero who fits the role of a trickster.

@Ornithopterx: Also, it does my heart good to see how many people seem to have had their first go on the 2600.
