Organized Chaos

“Here, hold my beer and watch this.”

When you’re ready to think like a rational human being instead of a biased, bigoted sheep who makes false assumptions based on what “your side” wants you to think, then maybe you can come out of that bubble you live in.

muslim immigration ban

Imagine an American press that put as much effort into investigating both sides equally as they do trying to dig up dirt on the right. With a fair press, we the people would be so much more protected from an overreaching, ever-growing governement. Government, as in made up of BOTH sides.

I think they learned that from the homeless guy in The Day After Tomorrow.

Remember how everyone on the left said it was fine that Hillary used a private email? And remember when a republican was elected president and media outlets tried to say that it’s wrong for these people to use private emails?

He said he would get the coordinates and dive it in the summer. Even if that’s just to get his tool back, I’m sure he’d grab the steel too.

I enjoy bagpipe music. Even if you imagine this without all the annoying clicking, it still doesn’t sound like real bagpipes as played by someone who knows what they’re doing.

This past weekend, I set up a new laptop for my mother in law. They got a copy of a particular brand of anti-virus software with it for free and wanted it installed too. It was a plastic, full-sized disc case. I unwrapped the cellophane and opened the case...empty, no disc. On the inside of the paper cover was

A single congressman isn’t capable of passing legislation. But the physical threats from rioters (claiming to be protestors) have pushed local leaders to pass laws that weren’t in the works before. And celebrities/companies threatening states through means of revenue have directly affected states’ laws.

Surprisingly, the physical behavior of melting ice cooling the surrounding river water—not the motion of the river itself—drives the turntable.

Congressman Vows to Block ‘Death With Dignity’ Law in City He Doesn’t Even Represent

New headline: “Reviewers” watch TV shows and believe that everything they see is an uncut, unedited version from beginning to end.

Lions will most certainly go after a giraffe as a food source. It might not be their first choice, but giraffe is on the menu on occasion. As depicted, that lion wasn’t looking to play with the giraffe, it was attacking. Just because it may be a difficult undertaking for the lion doesn’t mean the giraffe isn’t prey.

I find it disheartening for my country that you people are so ingrained with your political views that you can’t wait to turn every issue into a rant against the side you disagree with. Some even saying they wish this had happened to Trump instead. Those feelings go hand in hand with the people who said that eastern

Aww, look at the precious little snowflake. Oops, I just bullied you.

The bobcat was, by far, my favorite. And I coulndn’t help but laugh at the lion get trampled by the giraffe. I enjoy seeing the underdog prevail against the apex predator now & again.

“Small” deer, my ass. That’s a pretty good sized doe.

I used to have 3 Yahoo accounts left over from years ago when I was heavy into the Yahoo chatrooms & Yahoo Messenger. Since then, I’ve been using one as a “third tier” junk address (after my primary and a secondary) and another was just to keep in touch with some of those old online friends. I’ve lost touch with them,

You said news. Something Giz used to be and is supposed to be. Then came inserting politics that were somewhat tech related (e.g. emails & such). Finally, they said to hell with it, we’ll just throw in our political views & agenda because a majority of the commenters drink the same kool-aid and they’ll never