
I keep my bag on the seat for as long as there are still spaces free that don’t require sitting next to anyone. If you have the option to sit in glorious, glorious solitutde and choose to squish yourself up in my space instead, chances are astronomically high that you are exactly whom I want to be nowhere near me. I

Gin already tastes like dead Christmas trees; why not just make it out of those instead? And while we’re DIYing, we can whip up some tonic water from seltzer and crushed aspirin!

I was with you until the hashtag. #teamrum

I really want to believe that you ran out to the tattoo shop in the middle of an arguement specifically to be able to come back and flip them your bird.

I have had that cake, and nowI am sad I am not in Quebec or within arms’ reach of chocolate cake.


Poor puppy looks so scared! But I am laughing at him anyway.

Someone’s going to have to drink a hell of a lot of champagne.

I wish I could star this a million more times!

“Vegetarian” options offerred to me back when I was still a vegetarian: every kind of fish, chicken, or turkey; a ham sandwich; beef fried rice; a veggie burger served with real bacon.

He has referred to himself as a nerd, butI have not heard it from anyone else.

This is wonderful! Thank you!

And not allowing a transgenedered teen to become homecoming queen deifintely doesn’t send a message to anyone about being not good enough.

Thank you for complaining!

So sad she got sacrficed! Peter Stoffer too! :(

Is it just me or do the last bride and groom look like they could be related?

Totally read that as “women can twin”. Seemed like a weird way to show support for this woman who is not, in fact, twinning.

Three times my long reply had been eaten when ai wswitched tabs to try to find a link. My reply is now: I <3 my knockoff Bogs boots.

I was 21 before I had my first kiss. 21 before I even danced with someone who wan’t a friend. I was shy, anxious, awkward, and entirely too comfortable in the self-imposed role of Supportive Fat Best Friend ( by which I mean assuming forever that people would only be interested in my friends and not me; not invoking