
Funny how I've never had anyone tell me that doorbells have ruined inviting friends over.

You haven't had filet mignon until you've had it fresh off the boat. Also, if you need any monogrammed thermoses....

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

I would det feel better about prices, if pilots and flight attendants were paid better. Same with American healthcare. Young interns are slave labor, non degreed assistants clerical and cleaning staff are paid peanuts. I'd be happy to pay Norwegian prices for a Norwegian sdtandard of living for all.

"America is a place where the luxuries are cheap and the necessities are expensive."

Oh my god, that scene! Every bone in my body knew I was bring emotionally manipulated with a cheesy song and a rousing speech that doesn't actually mean anything. But I'm still sitting the couch, hands clasped to my chest, tears running down my face. Go to hell Sorkin, but please make more TV from there.

"topics that are sensational and controversial"

Autoplay videos make Jesus sad =/

Nobody puts Baby on the floor.

Karen Milton:

I don't even think it's that. It shows up as "purchased" in the iTunes library, so people think they were forced to buy it.

I still am going to argue that a better idea would be to adapt the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series for TV, like Showtime or the Max. That would blow most anything away. Think of everything that series has. (Spoilers abound):

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

You're onto something. I read that in the original NES game, you could unlock the special adventure by naming your savegame slot (the closest thing to naming your character) "ZELDA".

We don't know that Link isn't a girl.... I'd like to think she is. :-)

My favorite neg ever:

Him: Zelda!
Me (dressed as Link from Legend of Zelda): Link!
Him: Huh?
Me: I'm dressed as Link. Zelda is the princess.
Him: Whatever. I know way more about video games than you.

I know its dick of me, but I can't stand any of it. The event, the people, the stupid FB feeds. I know people have a good time and I should just let people enjoy life and not judge. But I can't help it. I'm judging all over the place. Judgment everywhere.

I live in England now and sold many of my books before moving over here. As a surprise for my birthday a few days ago, my husband and his mum bought me the entire set in the blue Harper dustjackets and box like I had before I came here. Though common in the US, they are pricier and hard to find over here. It made

I'm actually looking at renewing my renters insurance with Allstate & because I know how much shit they will get from 1 Million Moms, I'm definitely going to mention that this was part of my motivation to renew with them.

Sometimes I want to stay home from school and watch Dragon Ball Z and women won't let me. I hate that.