
Whoops this wasn’t meant for your comment. :-)

The high-fat, mid-protein, low-carb framework has done WONDERS for eliminating my sweet-tooth. The other day I looked at a platefull of doughnuts and was like “nah, I don’t eat that stuff anymore.” and then FREAKED OUT BECAUSE I ALWAYS EAT THE SUGARS. Like, so much so much so much (like 80 lbs overweight so much). The

I’ve been working with a therapist who utilizes EMDR, and have found it to be incredibly liberating (though very difficult). I’d highly recommend anyone going to therapy, but particularly if you can find a therapist you click with who utilizes EMDR effectively as part of the work you’re doing. I’d say that my positive

I'm 27 and I've voted in every primary and election I've been eligible for since I was 18 - even while studying abroad. I get a perverse sense of pleasure researching all the candidate and ballot measures. I'm my father's daughter.

Piece of paper with "404 Error: Costume Not Found" printed on it, fastened to the front of my shirt.

That's the spirit!

I will never forget the bitter disappointment I felt as a 10 year old when I learned that Link was not Zelda (I thought Link on the front was a badass lady named Zelda). I played the entire game pretending Link was a girl.

This is exactly what I thought of when I initially saw it.

I switched from Nuvaring to the Mirena, didn't have any noticeable sex drive impact.

Did you go to HS in Ohio?

I normally don't have a problem keeping from laughing at work while watching something like this, but that line caused me to choke/snort/try-to-make-this-laugh-a-cough.


Oh didn't get that impression at all, and didn't mean to imply! I was just wondering if you had read more of the details (I still haven't - it's on my to-do list to get a copy).

I love citations and data. Thanks for bringing them to the discussion, if that's what you can call commenting on a blog. :-P

So... I don't really date. I'm a 26 year old white female in Seattle, ridiculously happy being single, but I've never been asked out legitimately (creepy party dudes not counted) nor been on a date. I'm cool with it, honestly.

The book "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman was life-changing for me. It isn't about 'dieting', it's about adopting an eating 'style'. I was blown away by learning how much I didn't know about nutrition, and how little I understood about what my body needs to not only survive, but thrive. And I lost 37 pounds in six

That link is broken ("The video doesn't exist" type message).

Tried this past July to summit Rainier, but an ice bridge collapsed at 13,700 ft, so it was a no-go. Trying again next July with RMI, a guide service. If you'd like to get a taste of mountaineering and are in the Seattle area, I'd recommend checking out The Mountaineers's Alpine Scrambling course (or the Basic Alpine

Wow. I just spent 15 minutes watching videos on the The feels. Oh the feels. It helps me feel better about humanity, even if they are PR pieces. May people saying it, thinking about it, make it reality.

I'm pretty sure that unicorn tears are the secret ingredient. Either that or crack-cocaine.