
I’ve never been into Warhammer, but yes. This feeling of actually playing a physical game in person with ACTUAL PEOPLE is something I am very much looking forward to. Great article.

I may be basic, but I want a lovely steak, roasted broccoli, and some decadent potatoes. For a quick celebration meal, I’ll take any garbage food, but with some good ice cream afterward. 

Thanks, I appreciate it.

No, she ended up staying somewhere else. I do often wonder if the ghost stayed with the house where she died, or if she moved with the man who accidentally killed her, though.

One of my best friends growing up lived in a house that was deeply haunted. When I would stay over, sometimes we would sleep in her bedroom, and sometimes, we would sleep in the living room. I always preferred sleeping in her bedroom, because when sleeping in the living room, there would always be something that

Jurgen’s Germanness was so delightful to me, especially compared to Giuseppe’s whimsy. I think both of them will go pretty far, so I look forward to seeing them play off of one another.

Yeah, people have been yelling about “nobody was this mad about seat belt laws” and I have just been staring at them. Do you not remember? In my small midwestern town growing up in the mid to late 90's, there were tons of people who grumbled about seat belt mandates.

I love the Matt Fraction energy. The Bros, the car, and LUCKY?! I’m very excited for this one, and I didn’t think I would be.

I picked it up years ago at the local library, opened to the first page, read:

Came here to say this!

To be fair, it’s Michelle Yeoh. She’s an absolute legend, and any director/writer should think thrice before dismissing any notes from her.

I still think that only releasing it in theaters, during a massive wave of cases, is stupid. I did, however, see it this weekend at my local drive-in theater. I will not be stepping foot back into a theater for at least another year or two, so I thought that it was the best way to express support for the movie that I

Any time I’m picking up a basic maintenance bit like a headlight bulb, or a set of wiper blades, or even washer fluid.

YUP. Came here to say that.

Y’all, I have ADHD and some serious anxiety. If I didn’t make a list (IN ORDER of my favorite grocery store), I would leave the store with a cart full of impulse bought junk food and a some stage of a panic attack. This goes for weekly shops and quick trips alike.

Hopefully, they do better with the voice option. I got my NC700s last year when I got a new job in a noisy office, and while the noise cancelling is lovely, the voice quality is absolutely terrible. Nobody can hear me, whether on bluetooth or wired, and it’s so frustrating for what I paid for those damn headphones.

“I think this just might be my masterpiece.”

  • Eggs: Scrambled! Best served with green chili.

Yucca plants here in the Midwest. They fulfill the qualifications of being both invasive and spiky. My mom planted three many years ago, and they’ve spread to take up a huge area of the yard. The taproots go down five feet, and if you leave one square centimeter, they’ll come right back. If you decide to try to get

Outdoor all the time for me. I’ve only eaten indoors a handful of times in the last year, and the anxiety just isn’t worth it. Here in the Midwest (a few hours south of you!), it can be hot and sweaty sometimes, but we have a few well-designed beer gardens/outdoor areas that are shaded and sheltered, so you don’t have