
Overly cautious drivers make me lose my mind. Yes, it’s your turn at the four way stop, freaking go! Yes, the light turned yellow, but you were well in the clear. Why are you slamming on your brakes and causing the people behind you do the same? Turning left? Yeah, that break in traffic is big enough, just GO ALREADY. 

I’m a fan.  It’s a cheap mint-adjacent flavor, more vanilla than mint, but I still indulge once a year. It’s gotten less minty through the years.

As the owner of a 2008 Honda Fit, I for sure should have done more research about the first few years of the Fit and their many issues. My friends have started calling my car Swamp Thing for obvious reasons.

Or they both get kicked out and then the person in danger now might be in extra danger.  I think it’s all about context.

Sometimes, that person is right beside you, and if you make a scene, you risk them becoming angry and violent. Having a code word or something low key that will alert the bartenders or security to a fishy situation allows you to get out of the blast zone before they come and escort them out.

Every meal is a single meal to me, so it’s whatever. Haha. The meal I feel most alone for, though, is when I reverse sear a great steak, roast up some broccoli and a sweet potato, open a bottle of red, and read a book at the table. 

Yeah, you’ve nailed the Midwestern Holy Trinity. Chili sauce and grape jelly meatballs, peanut butter sandwiches with chili, and hashbrown casserole. That’s my entire childhood in three dishes. Haha.

I know that you’ve already talked about peanut butter sandwiches with chili, but that is a MUST in my parents’ household. I’ve recently converted several of my friends as well. I think we’re just a peanut butter loving family. My mom has a pb&j every single day for lunch, and there is no late night snack more

I was a brand new driver in a $500 early 90's Cavalier, so I did what every 16 year old did to their junky cars. I got white and blue tiger striped faux fur seat covers, a new stereo, and hung a bunch of cheap beads from the rearview. To be fair, I had to have a new stereo that could be heard above the bone-rattling

Yup. I worked in a grocery store for a few years. We once had a whole pallet of bagged potatoes come in that reeked to high heaven. The head manager told us to sort through them and find out which ones could still be sold.  We were deciding who was going to have to do it when the night manager walked in the door, took

Toss jars of delicious gloop over frozen meatballs in the crock pot, stir occasionally, serve. It’s a midwestern delicacy, though we always used Heinz chili sauce. One year for Christmas eve, I did two cans of canned cranberry sauce, one jar of orange marmalade, and chili sauce, and it was so good.  Still sweet and

My mom always did it this way, but usually my dad snuck in the grainy mustard. At the grocery store around the holidays, they display the chili sauce and the jelly together on the end caps!

I love everything about this. Thanks for the awesome article!

I tend to find out if people are okay and if they have called anyone. Aside from jumping a battery, changing a flat, or taking someone to a gas station, I’m all but useless at a side of the road situation.

Is anyone going to cover the episodes like you’ve done for previous seasons? I really want to read someone’s take on the Season 3 premiere.


I’m a fiend for cottage cheese. In college, only one dining hall ever served it, and my friends knew to report immediately if they were all out.  I tend to go with a light sprinkling of salt and pepper, or have it alongside a baked potato.  I’ll have to try some of these and report back!

Yay for another American with my love of Cats does Countdown!

When I was young, my sister and I would go out for drives through the country. She was almost 7 years older than me and teenage angst meant that she didn’t want to sit at home, so she’d ask if I wanted to go for a ride. Out in the river bottoms northwest of our house, there were some narrow blacktop stretches that

Came here to say this. Thanks to Alton Brown’s excellent pie recipes, in which he uses a teaspoon or two of tapioca starch to thicken fruit pies and avoid the dreaded soggy bottom, I have so much more than I could ever use in a lifetime. I plan to experiment with it in soups to see if that’s legit, though Alton did