
I just thought when I saw the video: “That’s some George Floyd shit right there”. Were those two even arrested or interviewed by police?

Try harder.

Best case scenario: The engine is real and the whole media push is shopping it to bigger players.

The PR company dropping him that fast is a BIG red flag...

This is why I can get behind the Microsoft- Activision merger; they're both horrible companies but it pleases me to watch them and Sony damaging each other in the process. Nintendo's time will come.

Yes, lets....

This. Exclusivity is bullshit and both Sony and Microsoft are awful,awful companies but Sony is by no means the plucky underdog in this case...

This is the unexplainable hype of the half-time show; people go nuts for an overly dramatic and short medley performance that seems to present as though people who watch football don’t own a radio or listen to any music from the last 10-20 years. Rihanna being out of performing for a while probably heightened it but,


This is just pure twisted because even pre-encounter, the girl wouldnt have consented per her testimony to sex with the second individual and everything past that point is where the first guy was no longer consensual and instead a party to the rape. There is no scenario i can see where athletics departments making

God no! If he’s Morty, then Wahlberg can’t be far away...

Meh, to be expected...and if i do buy it I’m mostly doing it for the art book anyway.

Didn’t she instigate the whole thing by deliberately embarrassing the girl over a bad paper in front of the class


So....cant be removed unless they die or retire, rip up the legislative fabric at will and more untouchable than congress and the senate, (Executive is debatable) and the consensus is to continue elevating their status?. Did I leave anything out?

“Slow bucks”? Jesus christ....

Well, I certainly think less of David Oyelowo for the friends he keeps......

oh no you fucking don’t.

Already happened. This is the douche that couldnt handle people tracking his jet. He’s just as big a grifter as Trump and as soon as the auto-giants really finish Tesla and the markets wise up to his bullshit, Musk will fade into obsolescence along with the other “cool” grandpas...