
Except nobody should apologise for wanting to trade this piece of shit for any number of great artists that went too early with more promise. 

Im sorry; putting aside the whole shameless conservative creds and treasonous wife, how the actual fuck does it make sense to have justices handle emergency petitions from their home states/regions?

I would be almost certain Warner are going to push this thing out on streaming to recoup what they can; Only a moron would actually do press hype for this train wreck.

I think making it mobile-only accomplished that, which is sad considering it looked pretty interesting..

Whos on the hook though?, Lenovo or Twitch?

Can we throw Aasif Mandvi in the hat? He was one of my favourite parts of Stewarts show.

Same with religion; if the holy crowd think this is an ok price that other people have to pay for their ideals, then fuck all their churches.

Seriously, can we Bugs Bunny that cesspool already?

If this isn’t enough to get The Flash movie finally pulled, nothing is....

Also, “I thought CEO meant i was some kind of king and the board i answer to just handed me my ass and sent me to my room with no supper”

This. My only conclusion is that Graham is so far up Trumps ass that the lines are finally being drawn before Cheeto officially announces his campaign with McConnell on the other side of it. If Democrats manage to fuck up a home run like this.......

Never thought there was drama. Pugh just wants to move on from this which is fair since she got ambushed by Wilde hiring her boyfriend as a lead.

Holy shit, thank you for letting me know. Guy was so down to earth and his snack journalism was just amazing. R.I.P

Just so i got this right: Did this fuckwit just compare his little Troll forum to Facebook?. DDoS-Guard dropping them that fast was interesting though...

Ummm....all i can think is; if she manages to get out of this intact, Haddish is bulletproof.

My thoughts: With Pugh going through her own stuff and not promoting the movie, Wilde is reaching for every ray of light she can shine on what is probably a dismal failure of a movie. Secondly, she can decide for herself who she marries/dates etc, but if anybody thinks Styles and Wilde are gonna still be going in a

Where does Resident evil fall because the Milla movies were both bad and deviated hugely....still worked though

Parents didn’t need to know that the Mormon Gestapo were investigating their child’s gender and reporting their findings back to a random set of parents with no legal basis for the complaint? WTF, logic?

Yeeeaaaaaahh, I think you might just have a whole different set of issues there bud....

Gonna go with; he got high/drunk, hit a kerb or something to lose the wheel, skated on for a while to a stop and fell asleep. He’s gonna get off obviously but its all pretty fucking childish until he kills someone i suppose....