So basically still within a timeframe where a lot of women might not know they’re pregnant? How very humane of them; thanks for pointing out a pedantic fact that has no relation to the sentiment being expressed.
So basically still within a timeframe where a lot of women might not know they’re pregnant? How very humane of them; thanks for pointing out a pedantic fact that has no relation to the sentiment being expressed.
To be fair, OnlyFans was built on a foundation of camgirls and porn before they attempted to go all “born again”. Even good old smut peddlers will go straight for enough green.....
Yeah, the only way the Browns could have been dumber here is if one of the women Watson abused was a gypsy crone who he then dared to curse his career and the entire Browns organization because he “doesn’t beleieve in that shit”. May they enjoy many years of boundless failure in the joyless company of that creepy…
Holy shit!! Jim Harbaugh just fixed the system.....
About the same here. Its not perfect even with therapy and in the beginning I was focusing too much on how soon I could get off them, but now i’m in a pretty good space.
Probably beyond the elbow, above a shitty tribal tatoo or on their chest, to the left/right of another shitty tribal tattoo......
They’re just facilitating; Because Russian.
With that mass we might finally see a true “bugs bunny meme” and just drop Florida into the ocean.
Maybe gain an ounce of composure and stop shooting center fucking mass. Hard as it is to believe, a gun can used for less lethal.
This shit actually makes me sad coz it’s basically subject manipulation and grooming for seriously damaging addictive behaviour.
It might sound radical but dude, you need something big to change. The U.S is a fucking dystopia right now..
What position? Being alone in a room with a woman and not assaulting them? If your word salad was supposed to be some kind of "you're better than this, young man", I think he proved otherwise about 20 times..
Unless i’m mistaken Berthesda already kinda gave this its blessing; even without the threat of DMCA, the chances of a final release for stuff as ambitious as this is usually slim.
Howard Hughes?? Come on, you’re fucking with me right? It cant be that funny....not on purpose.
“Bidens worried about dead schoolkids, why doesn’t he worry aboout unborn kids?”
I honestly feel for anyone that had to suffer through that launch, but it is truly unforgivable that post WOW, post EVE and even post ES online that higher ups could truly believe they were just going to “wing it” and fuck up on a scale that was something to behold. Whoever had final call on releasing with no npcs is…
I meant how the award was never on the original verdict that was passed to the judge which could mean they came up with the damages during the delay. The award was also immediately limited by the court in acordance with the law. Even if they simply forgot, it remains suspect. I would be amazed if an appeal didn’t…
Yup, that verdict was a shitshow and the awards gonna be laughed out on appeal. Just when I think the american legal system has reached its nadir, a jury steps up to prove just how fucking stupid “your peers” really are. Heard has issues but i hope she moves on from this shit; that fucking manchild, Hunter s Thompson…
Its sad it took something like this to focus people on a bunch of dad bods in military cosplay that are too chickenshit to face a threat that is not unarmed, underage or has its back turned. That picture is gold.
I don’t know who cast Matt Smith as the lead villain here but it makes me very worried for this GOT prequel thing,.....