
“Israel is right to apply leverage.”

What an absolutely despicable, dehumanizing post (who fucking starred this shit to bring it out of the greys).

Stop swiping at Israel.

“I am now a pariah of that subreddit,” Adkins wrote in his initial email. “I get it, hype and excitement are at an all-time high. I’m just as excited as the next person, but I draw the line at theft. I was raised to believe that crime doesn’t pay. I had hoped our society, and so-called Bethesda fans could be held to

If that were true, surely her name should be Panny not Penny

“Accidental” design

Virginia Foxx is a vile bigot who once claimed that the brutal torture and murder of Matthew Shepard was not a hate crime and that LGBT hate crime legislation was a hoax. She made these comments in the presence of Shepard’s mother. The idea that she hates “no one” would be laughable if it weren’t such a disgusting lie.

I was in Alaska one summer, working as a paralegal. I was told by one of the attorneys that the Alaska State Patrol and the Anchorage Police Department had a psychological test that weeded out those who had control issues.

Twitter really needed to be burned to the ground, and honestly, I’m not totally surprised that Elon Musk buying it somehow not only became the catalyst for doing exactly that with such effeciency, nor that it would be so monumentally, gluttonously entertaining to witness.

So, now that she knows Twitter IS a thing, can she go away forever please?

I see you skipped the part where they outlined all this can be skipped if you pay $40, literally demonstrating it is nothing but F2P grind bullshit.

Should probably just let the modders own this franchise at this point

Loving may get thrown in there as well. As another commenter notes, he doesn’t think the leopards will eat his face.

One day Thomas will write an opinion putting himself back in chains.  What an absolute fucking nightmare of a human being that nut is.

OK, I believe them.

“WTF is this?” one person referencing Almalki’s comment asked FaZe Clan’s account. “I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.

This was a live streamed celebrity show trial. This was not about justice. It was about entertainment. This was not about a jury weighing facts in evidence. It was always going to be who the jury would sympathize with. That was the goal of opposing counsel. Make their client more likable and therefore more

Pretty sure it’s a copy machine. Hence the quip about “paper for your achievements”.

I’ve been in Oklahoma since 1991 and if I didn’t have a good job specific to this state, I’d leave.