I don’t know, they’re gonna be pretty busy trying to legalize domestic rape if they manage to overturn birth control.....
I don’t know, they’re gonna be pretty busy trying to legalize domestic rape if they manage to overturn birth control.....
Its an Irish thing really: We pronounce things different ways for the same spelling depending largely on the family or just local custom. Walsh can be pronounced Wall-sh or Welch, Whelan can be Wheel-an or Whale-an. Either one can be considered correct because we dont really give a shit if the owner doesnt...
(shivers)..... She’s still gonna have a hell of a time career-wise moving on from being associated with that freak.
How do you screw up a name like Emma? It already barely deserves to be two whole syllables.
You don’t check if anybody heard gunshots or maybe check occupant/owner records against the authenticity of the caller? Seriously, how much money is wasted deploying SWAT on this bullshit when you could just send uniforms to knock and suss out the situation before ringing the fucking alarm. Trigger happy cops aside,…
Glory be to the revival of FMV adventures; Huzzah!
The official oppression charges I believe...
Here’s hoping.. the entire board is fucking scum.
Perhaps, but Cristin Milioti was simply perfect casting only to be tossed aside for a 9 Yr old premise the showrunners had taken great steps to dissuade us from.
His kids are spoiled? Fucker ain’t have anyone say no to him until Kim served him with papers. Rubber room this prick already...
Nope. At least you would still have the physical scrap metal. This is literally Emperor’s clothes shit right here.
This. It’s a gamble that Microsoft have won and owning the like of Bethesda gives them an opportunity to jump ahead of Sony with next-gen offerings to the larger series x/s audience. It’s also very true that even cheaper PS4's offer great value for right now but it by the end of 22, the Ps4 will be creaking to play…
They don’t even need live tracking: A predator/cop in possession of even a section of the data could use it as a shopping list for potential hunting grounds. How do they expect the met to change when they can't even remove decrepit Cressida from the helm.
I suppose by sending 16yr old to the Olympics they're less likely to comprehend how their "mentors" are basically pimping them out to big business and whatever dictatorship its going to be held in next....
They went full Ken Doll.....interesting
Yeah with no warning..... and his statement basically confirms he snuck up on the fence and never even announced himself as police. Most likely scenario, he’s getting shitcanned and another payout for the family.
There actually is merit in some of the extreme long-term applications of the tech but when it comes to Ubi, Square and other assholes, its just easy money for horse armor.
Now onwards to Prince Andrew....
So....does anyone else have the left trigger buzzing/rattling when vibration kicks on the series x controller? I switched back to the xbox one controller but hoping its a dud; otherwise it’s a pretty shitty design flaw in a new console.