Quick settlement expected and less of a black eye for pd/ easily forgotten.
Quick settlement expected and less of a black eye for pd/ easily forgotten.
Even if it was her taser, it strikes me that tasering the driver of a vehicle when he has returned to the vehicle already and presented absolutely zero physical threat is a completely unnecessary escalation with no regard for the public safety which is exactly what happened when she fired. Wrights foot could have…
I dunno, that sounds like a whole lot of effort with very little violence or gunplay....
Netflix is the new Fox for cancelling shows you get even slightly buzzed about. Jon cho was genuinely great in this.
All of their stuff right now is terrible anyway. WOW is on critical life support and the COD gravy train is slowly screeching to a halt. There aren’t exactly huge hopes for Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 is absolutely nowhere in sight....
Worse. They just legalized murder.(as long as you’re the right color and class) This is gonna be used as precedent by so many borderline gun nuts that always dreamed of the immunity cops possess and now they have it so long as they claim they were defending themselves or felt “threatened”.
Apple and Drake are a bit of a stretch, no? I would have said slam dunk for the bereaved families and badly injured but it does seem like legal is aiming for the moon and packing the board with plaintiffs for the broadest possible outcome.
Fuck me, the post-trial publicity tour is gonna suck....
Pattern in the sense they want much profit for little effort and why bother creating new titles when they can trade on bygone memories to produce dogshit “remasters” and dlc for old ones? I swear i’m giving Bethesda one chance after 76 to produce a decent fallout and if they fuck that up.........
I imagine the whole Pirate scene is also feeling pretty smug right now...
I didn’t even need to read this to know Billy Jean was gonna be ripped out but Vice City has just been gutted. Keeping it out of the promotional stuff until the last minute makes it super obvious they knew a good chunk of playerswould feel the same way.
Wait you just mean the footage is being updated out of copies purchased but not currently installed on player systems?
Anyone know if the trilogy fixed that San Andreas Glitch where vehicles disappeared from your garage kinda randomly?
I dunno; always had a bigger crush on Didi Conn. Frenchy forever.
He also killed the ladys dog and had a loaded gun in the corvette. Oh, and the girl in the car with him got her arm mangled badly. Seriously, your humanity reporting’s on a roll there Jay......
Kotick was just worth every cent of that bonus wasn’t he, eh Investors? By 2023 there’s just going to be a symbolic tumbleweed rolling through the decrepit remains of Battle.net while a destitute and rapey COD peers out of the darkness...
Oh, I do. The confederate states are almost entirely trash; always have been and seem rather committed to remaining that way until they’re selling children for bread or whatever....
So...how long before this becomes the new “loot boxes” and the inevitable public outcry because these vampires are planning to sell bullshit to kids. Crypto aside, NFTs are virtual snake oil except at least western grifters gave you a glass bottle which would be times more valuable than this crap...