Optimus Prime Rib

“They’ll grow back” was a lie sold to every girl who grew up in the 90s/early 00s. Wanna know how I know?

I tried watching his Netflix stand up. It was before any allegations about him had been made public but Netflix was doing its usual thing where his special showed up in every category’s menu so I tried. A lot of his routine was how about you can’t just take your dick out anymore because of the Me Too movement. I think

I feel like I should speak up for a (probably small) demographic. I care deeply about abortion rights, and have since I was about 10. BUT I don’t always click on each story for the simple reason that 1. I know it will piss me off and I have a 4yo in lockdown and can’t afford to lose any more patience than I already do

We’re talking about a woman who wore a jacket with “I don’t care” spray painted across the back while visiting immigrant children in cages.

She’s as much a victim as Eva Braun was. 

One thing I don’t get is the desire to figure out how she “really feels.” Who cares?

She’s not a victim, and yes, she totally sucks. Do I still enjoy seeing her swatting away Orange Apocalypse when seemingly tries to hold her hand? Yes, because a) I’m just that petty and b) deep down, it probably does wound that puffed up ego of his a tad, and that’s always enjoyable.

It’s insane. They are giving her way too much credit. A glance through her history shows she is just a grifter who cheated her way into the most obscene version of the American dream with a padded resume and fantastical claims (5 languages? Ha!). She is as transactional and mercenary as the rest of the family. She

Yeah, I think it’s a somewhat convenient arrangement for two self-obsessed grifters. They’ve got their schtick down. 

That’s what I see in this clip too, but there are several others where she’s obviously swatting his hand away or keeping her fingers clenched against his attempts to hold her hand.

The “resistance” needs to stop. The desperation to get Trump out of office is leading to the derangement the deplorables crow about. People are becoming just as psychotic as those who claim to see the virgin Mary in a stick of butter. They’ve whipped themselves into imagining misery for this family when they are just

I, too, enjoy loosely following Claudia’s antics on Tiktok and Twitter. It is pretty funny most of the time to see her 1: directly challenging her parents’ ignorant beliefs (and listen, I know we are all Team George right now bc he’s anti Trump, but George Conway has some seriously problematic, backward ass views like

Should have gone with tiny giraffes

Yeah - it would be less easy to dismiss her if she had talked about a celeb this site doesn’t like. (which, fair - I too would rather critique Chris Brown). You can pretend she’s silly “because it’s a greenscreen” but Carole has a good point of, and what animal was green screened and how? They might as well have been

Carole Baskin was the only moderately sane person out of all the all wack AF people on Tiger King. I felt bad she got lumped in with that crew of drug-addled, criminal animal abusers. Don’t get me wrong, she is an oddball and I will never, ever unsee those wedding pictures where her husband poses as a tiger, but she

People don’t like Carole Baskin, so they’ll likely look for a way to laugh this off, but she’s not wrong. The animal entertainment industry is pretty fucked up and has very poor standards for animal welfare. The big cats in that video are likely from an animal entertainment company that makes money buying/selling cats

They chase the tiger in the nude? Or is it the other way around?

I saw this movie on Lifetime when I was a preteen. The gist was that a MILF starts sleeping with her daughter’s dangerous seeming boyfriend. You know he’s dangerous because he has a pet tiger. At one point they are having sex and the tiger gets out and they end up chasing it, completely nude.

so... they’re thinking about replacing a terrible person with another known terrible person, james corden?