Optimus Prime Rib

I’m admittedly sleep-deprived in a big way because I’m presently dealing with a puppy whose bladder is apparently the size of half a thimble, but almost two minutes into his eulogy today I just lost it. And that picture of Lewis standing right there by the podium with Obama the first time he was sworn in, and how

It’s astounding watching my neighbors vote year after year for the ghouls killing my small, rural, very Republican town. But, apparently, my tears are more satisfying than having a post office that can promptly and affordably deliver checks, bills, medicine, packages, whatever you need.

Who hasn’t yelled ‘pizza’s here’ over your shoulder because you don’t need that judgement from the delivery person that the large is just for you?!

I’m not here to mourn Herman Cain. I’m here to congratulate him for walking his walk and his resulting fatal freedoming. I hope that he will serve as an example for those who cry freedom because of a damn mask.

Print this comment out and bring it with you when you meet your new therapist.

Them: I wear this necklace with the formula of the universe on it to remind me that I’m secretly more powerful than everyone else.

At this point I feel like the DNC is just morphing into the GOP Lite party while the actual GOP has just run full speed and leapt off the cliff into insane extreme right winged Orangeness.

this would have probably gotten her the votes she needed

I mean, I didn’t say he was “so out of step with the party” so, not really sure how to answer this question, because it’s not something I believe.

Kasich can go out and recruit anti-Trump Republicans on his own time. Biden and DNC do not need to endorse (or appear to be endorsing) his anti-choice, anti-woman, anti-LGBT, anti-worker views by inviting him to speak at the convention.

And yet, if Biden loses in November, they will blame progressives for it, even though they pull shit like this.

Are you fucking kidding me? Obama was more conservative than I would have liked, but he was no Joe “Senator from MBNA” Biden, who opposed federal funding of abortions, supported the rampant militarism of Clinton and Bush, took away the financial lifeline for generations of Americans with his bankruptcy bill (making

I forgot to mention, the reason Biden was chosen as Obama’s running mate was that Biden would garner more conservative voters. I think people seem to have forgotten about that little bit of history.

I posted previously, that we now had a choice between trump and a republican and was roasted for it.

I am suing you for emotional damages from the photo at the bottom of this post.

My Favorite Murder started a book club for this book years ago after talking about it and getting nostalgic.  They had the common damn sense to abandon the idea pretty quickly after starting to read it again.  How were these books ok for us when we were teenagers?  

Matt smith is crazy overrated if it weren’t for Amy and Rory I would have never made it through his run.

I picked up Dr. Who during college back in the early-oo’s. Eccleston was the first Doctor I ever saw, and he was fine—very different from the rest of the Doctors (as I’ve come to learn). However, Tennant is, will forever remain my Doctor. Holy shit he was good.