Optimus Prime Rib

I might need a Too Much Girl on how to tightline/waterline cause mine never looks that good.

*millions worth of shares. Not millions of shares.

I’m sitting in Youngstown and I can name a dozen small Ohio craft breweries off the top of my head. Two that I can walk to, have a beer, and be back to the office before anyone notices that I’m gone. There’s a huge difference between “you have to be licensed to do X” and “only 10 people are allowed to do X. Ever.”

It was a bad law. It gave a group of investors a monopoly over all pot growing in Ohio. The group behind it, ResponsibleOhio, had already sold millions of shares in the 10 allowed farms.

I’m 39 and single and they are starting to line up on my front porch.

Is that a facial or is she making tzatziki?

What about the women that did leave the baby at home? I’m sure someone else there was breastfeeding/had to hire a sitter/found an expensive daycare. Why does this person get to skip all that when 100 other women didn’t? What makes this one woman so special?

Colourpop Grunge looks pretty similar.

I shared so we could all laugh. And hopefully someone learns from my dumbassery.

I made buckeye brownies using a one-bowl recipe (from the baker’s chocolate box, I think, it was in my grandma’s recipe box). The peanut butter frosting was killer, I’m going to adapt that for some cupcakes. And this is my second week of 5dinners1hour which has really helped me to learn to set a menu. I’ve always had

Maaan, the first time I made stock, I strained it right down the fucking drain because I wasn’t paying attention. I sat on the kitchen floor and cried.

And made smashmouth eat the eggs!

And I just now tried this and it’s bad. Kinda wet and oily and not flavorful at all. And the plastic on the applicator has a sharp spot on the uh..glosshole? and it scrapes.

This nail polish was terrible. Even with a fast dry top-coat and waiting a few hours, I still had sheet marks. I got the almost-black reddish color and it was chipped all to hell the next day (with base coat/top coat). BAD

Because I don’t want to be a headline. “Dog snaps and kills owner by...strangling her with a squid hat?”

This poor dog puts up with soooo much of my bullshit. He’s the best.

He’s a rescue, so we aren’t 100%, but my vet says he’s an Australian Shepherd mix.

Contrary to my avatar and the dog-horse pic, I’m not always stuffing him into strange hats.

Dog pics? OKAY. My dog is the best, because he’s a horsedog.