Optimus Prime Rib

My stepsiblings do this to me and my siblings ALL THE TIME. We're grown ass adults with our own families. Our parents got married after we were grown. None of us have lived with them. "Dad & Mom & Family" My mother swears she's going to put a tie on her cat and take him one of these days.

We went to a restaurant that had a cocktail menu. I love a manhattan and theirs was a "Maker's Manhattan, up or on the rocks" so that's what I ordered, up. I had to explain to our waitress that "up" is chilled and in a martini glass, no ice, but I figured she was new and the bartender would know considering it was on

Weaselpeckers? Woodweasels? Weedpeckels?

My avatar is from the time he was identifying as a squidkin.

Are horse dogs okay?

I've been using Out The Door instead of Seche and I haven't had the peeling and shrinking with Zoyas and other 3/5 free polishes. It does seem to take longer to dry, but I like it.

Dog ears and cat bellies.

I hated having a stick in DC. Especially when I drove my (now ex) bf's camaro with the super stiff clutch. I'd get out after a bad day of traffic and my left leg would shake.

That's the even more awesome part: They don't live together. Lady you've been cleaning his house and washing his undies for years and for what? (he's no catch)

I have that woman in my life too. Except my dad is anti-marriage so I'm still next of kin. It was an ugly scene when he was in the hospital and she "didn't count."

I wasn't a Poshé fan either. My nail polish would just pop off, no matter what base coat.

Out The Door is a pretty amazing fast dry top coat too. It's not as fast as Seche, or as shiny, but it doesn't have that smell and it doesn't get goopy.

I use Mizon all-in-one cream at night and their snail recovery gel in the morning. I usually get it on eBay from rubyrubyshop or roseroseshop. Sometimes you can find it on amazon and then you don't have to wait forever for shipping.

I've been using Korean snail gels/creams for over a year now and my skin has never looked better. When my 17 year old son sticks to a skin care routine with it, his acne almost disappears.

If you can get it down (and keep it down), it IS great for hangovers.

I don't know if this counts as a source:

Dealt with? Like, are they tying the perps up and whipping them with sriracha coated floggers?

I'm curious about the number of mothers vs fathers charged when a spouse/SO is the actual murderer. I'd start googling, but I think it would be emotionally devastating.

I didn't see it in the article, was that father also charged with child endangerment or is it just mothers?

I didn't see it in the article, was that father also charged with child endangerment or is it just mothers?