We need more of this:
We need more of this:
Pfft. PostModern Jukebox is 100 times better (although their version of Anaconda is...bleh)
I think we need a closer look.
My mom had a chow/lab mix that was really laid back, except when it came to things that beeped. He turned into a growling, snarling, barking, drooling mess if you let the microwave beep or someone set the timer on the TV.
I think I might need to make a few more quilts.
And maybe a quick tutorial on that eyeliner? Please?
As long as you're good with lap cats and stuff from the Thug Kitchen cookbook.
I'll make snackies too!
It's a Cuisinart ice cream maker. So not only does it take up a buttload of freezer space, it takes up cupboard space too. :-/ But it's so worth it. Last night I added 1/2C vodka to a half bottle of blood orange soda (any more vodka and it won't freeze). So good and done in 10 minutes.
The ice cream maker. The bowl is always in the freezer and I can make ice cream (hah..okay. Lemon-vodka sorbet. Lime-tequila sorbet. Frozen Brandy Alexander) in minutes.
That terrible thing. I TRIED to read it, but I never finished. How does it have so many good reviews?
I'm just here for the anesthesia-failing-during-section solidarity. Mine failed down the right side, the other stuff caused me to vomit everywhere, and my son's father passed out in the OR.
I read an article about how you need to NOT go to an ex's social media after a breakup because the only thing that people show is how perfect and wonderful their lives are, and you're just going to feel terrible that that "should've been me" when you can only see what they want you to see. It's geared around…
I have a pair of LG Tones that I love (and need to replace after 5 years because there's a short in the left ear. I will be getting another pair of Tones).
You guys have seen oil lamps before, right?
Thank god I'm not alone in my shame.
We just had a paper discussion in our office. My coworker is writing a letter of reference for adoption and she printed it out on regular paper and I flipped. I have four different kinds of paper in my desk AND matching envelopes and you cannot put something that important on PLAIN PAPER OMG. And use a good pen to…
I am so ashamed, I should have hit refresh.
Right? I think some of those babies were born in the parking lot of the pageant.