Optimus Prime Rib


That's some shit trigger discipline.

Same here. I think China Glaze "Lubu Heels" might be similar.

HEY! Happy Birthday fellow 7/24 baby! Cuchini's for all of us!

I used a wrench to open a beer last night. And then a drill because it was a lambic with a damn cork under the cap. No shame.

You are the best and the homeless cats will appreciate this!

Can I get a recipe and/or a link? Those sound amazing and I have a crazy cat lady bake sale coming up.


Oh joe gifs? Okay. Let's do this.

My insurance is part of my compensation package. If I have to go on the open market to purchase insurance to cover my birth control (which, my company saves a ton of money if I don't get pregnant) then I am making less money than my male peers. I'm being punished because I have a uterus.

I do not understand why people don't get this. There are very, very, very few companies that pay 100% of someone's insurance. Hobby Lobby is NOT one of them.

Isn't that the premise of the next season of Once Upon a Time?

Now playing

The best way to describe it is "watch the video" it will not answer any questions, but you will want their razors.

I signed up for Dollar Shave Club and one of the ones that sends you furnace filters every 90 days. I don't have to remember to buy one? OH YES BABY.

Oh god I can feel the polyester double knit.

I was tending bar as a favor to some friends that had no business owning a bar, so tips only. This guy came in and said he was a disabled Desert Storm veteran, a Navy sniper, Captain of a ship, blahblah and my friend was comping his rum and cokes all night because "fellow veteran!" At the end of the evening the guy

It already makes a nice swimsuit.