Colonial marines did
Colonial marines did
Isolation comes out at midnight tonight, and I'm sure that as the week progresses we'll see many more videos of freaked out people being mauled by Xenomorphs. To those about to be hunted: Good luck, and don't be afraid to share. In space, everyone can watch your stream.
That was the best part of the game
For the most expensive game ever made, a 76 is pretty bad.
ouch, that ones gotta sting
This sounds like a pretty good explanation, but it also sounds eerily familiar. There was another game that released not too long ago in a much beloved simulation franchise. It also had certain expected features cut, ostensibly because there were serious technological upgrades that were made to the game, and working…
err buddy there is, this guy does not want to hide his helmet.
Came here to say this! Good spot!
Fuck all ya'll jackin' my avatars and my gifs god fucking dammit.
*eye roll*
Now if only I could log into Uplay to download the game.
I did it.
wut rings u got btch?
Couldn't find it so I had to make my own.
What'd I miss?
Is Donald Sterling gonna be the end Boss?