Not only does he saves bomb flowers and rock hammers but the fire he generates is also useful for fighting enemies vulnerable to fire i.e Gibdo’s
Not only does he saves bomb flowers and rock hammers but the fire he generates is also useful for fighting enemies vulnerable to fire i.e Gibdo’s
They need to release a patch with some combat tuning ASAP.
The book “Console Wars” really made me appreciate how the original Playstation came to be and how Sony was reluctant, almost opposed to it’s creation at first but then quickly went all in after its successful debut.
Mike will be missed...I always knew the weekend kicked off whenever I saw Mike’s contributions on Fridays. This makes me pretty sad...Rest in Peace Mike.
Recently, FF7Remake Hell House. Everything, from the initial build up, The coliseum environment, to the reveal was magnificent.
I wonder how much time and development was thrown out the door if they do plan to rip out the live service portion of the game. If it was intended to be a core feature this could potentially add more development time without actually pushing the “estimated” release date back.
I wouldn’t put it past them to revisit a sequel in the future.
We were running low on memes this year...Looks like we got exactly what we needed.
The game definately has its problems and suffers from being overhyped by EA and their generous financial expections of the game. It also doesn’t help when your said development studio is Bioware.
This definitely sounds like an end of an era for Blizzard as a culture and as an identitiy. I’m sure incumbent and influential employees at Blizzard are putting up a good fight but the damage is already done.
FFXIV is one of the worst offenders when it comes to abrupt emergency patches that take down the servers for hours on end. Like tonight for instance, I wanted to get a few hours in once I get off work at 9pm...Whelp, can’t do that, a patch is being deployed from 10pm-3am...yay
Someone correct me if I’m wrong but, if theoretically...The bill passed making it illegal to sell video games to kids under 21 years of age, then that means criminal consequences would be enforced? So who would be charged? The employee that sold the game or the retail company?
Is this done without mods? Reason i’m asking is because, I just bought the game and have some crazy ideas for roller coasters. If this is done with the default tools then I have a grasp for how ham I can get with these roller coasters.
Edge! Edge! Edge!
Unintentional camel toe...sounds like a bad band name.
Too late...My peanut butter chocolate cake with Kool-Aid...