
Is it a Bicameral legislation?

Jason, Without any obvious spoilers could you tell me if it looks like FF XV might also be a multi title series? Similar to XIII? which seems to be the direction SE has been leaning towards recently. OR do you think FF XV is a one and done I’m washing my hands of this and moving type of game?

This reminds me of the movie Trolls 2.

Looks like the bulletins represent some sort of verticle slice about the future title. Probably some good information there, possibly even spoilers.

State of Decay: YOSE is on sale for $10 on XB1 so I might pick that up and play it this weekend.

But can it withstand Dark Soul rage sessions...

Quite a news week eh Luke? Red Dead Redemption 2 and now NX reveal.

Lusankya! God I loved Rogue Squadron.

I wonder if we need void storage now since most transmog items have been transferred to the wardrobe system. Seems redundant to keep it.

“Download Complete.”

Luke where did you get that profile pic LOL? ahem yeah Star Citizen...

Now playing

Do the movie with this type of humor lol.

I played the demo of the new Ghostbusters game at E3 and to be honest it feels almost exactly like “Sanctum of Slime.”

I’m not going to lie, I saw the image and automatically thought the sequel was announced lol.

Stared last week with Shark Week and now GDQ then on to EVO!

How much would this particular cosplay cost?