
I definitely agree with the fact that there is too much junk to collect. I wish they had a system similar to borderlands in which you hold down the loot button and it collects all applicable loot within the immediate vicinity of your character.

Anyone remember this controller?

Does the movie industry have embargoes like this?

I’ve actually been looking for a channel like this! Thanks Chris!

Does HuniePop count? :nervous laughter:

Maybe Kojima is on sabbatical, and will return with new findings for the next great game...

One of the biggest holes in the Walker Assault scenario is the ability to traverse to the top of the giant orbital cannon (aka boob gun) and snipe unexpected foes. I literally saw an entire squad sit atop the boob gun and kill the opposing team with impunity. I’m not sure if this is intended but that gives the jet

Reminds me of the original Crackdown

Now playing

Let me know when this song hits Rock Band and I will go out and purchase it!

I’m like...meh at this point.

I will be returning to this

To be honest the spiritual successor, in my opinion, to FF Tactics was Valkyria Chronicles.

I’m not sure how they could make a game in its entirety by referencing the P.T demo, which was great don’t get me wrong, but it was only a sliver of what could have possibly been envisioned by Kojima and Co. For all we know the P.T demo could have been the opening tutorial for the actual game.

I played the demo at E3 a few months ago and I can easily say that the innovative two screen experience needs some work.

I’d be terrified too if Kim Cattrall stalked me at night.

I feel like I am going to be completely lost going into KH3 as far as story is concerned.