
Nice! Now I have something to watch while I wait hours to get into LFR SoO.

Robin Approves

At first glance I was wondering what that horde of green things were in the gif....then I realized it was the horror of a baneling attack.

I guess the Beta was a success then lol

The game has been timing out quite frequently. It had to time out at the most inconvenient moment just after I defeated Grand Widow Faerlina...sad face

I hope they are also planning to expand the void storage with additional slots. I have so much transmog stuff from just BWL ALONE!

Star Tropics had one of the best game manuals. At one point the game tells the user to look for a letter inside the game manual. You had to pour water over the bottom part of the letter to reveal the frequency needed to progress. As a Kid this was so awesome.

I already predict Sims 4 will be bearing the "Disaster Report" emblem upon release.

I know lol but I have suffered through so many LFR's for that helm! Guess I can't really complain haha.

Its cool and all, but my characters face is covered 100% of the time so I wouldn't really appreciate the change haha.

lol this many

Every time I see Final Fantasy VII as the first words of an article my hearts skips a beat

Looks like a true successor to Mario Paint!