
You dont HAVE to be sociopath to be CEO of a modern company , but you probably are.

Oh look it's the wish.com Elon Musk. 

“I challenge any one of you to outwork me, but you won’t”

“I challenge any one of you to outwork me, but you won’t,” he told his staff

Colton is DEFINITELY getting fired again.

From a legal standpoint one is always presumed innocent.  I am loathe to engage in judging people in the court of public opinion.  I used to be a practicing litigator.  Prosecutors and Plaintiff’s counsels, heck defense counsels too, have a away of making claims against or for their clients/defendents look better or

Oh you totally missed my subtext. I think Total Biscuit was a bad person who advocated for bad things and it really doesn’t imply great things to me about anyone who was a fan of him. Have a nice day.

You do know that the Luddites were objectively correct, right?

They weren’t anti technology. They feared the harms of technology being used to replace peoples labour, and concentrate wealth into fewer and fewer hands. (https://locusmag.com/2022/01/cory-doctorow-science-fiction-is-a-luddite-literature/)

Chief among their collective reasoning is the age-old internet expression that once something is put on the internet, for better or worse, it’s there forever.

stop simping for billionaires. you will never be one.

All the antiwork/anti-capitalist rhetoric these days shuns such behavior but a largely ignored truth is that merit-based rewards still do exist out there for those willing to do the grind.

Now playing

The reason why most of the former Twitter employees were cheering on her firing was due to the amount of disrespect she showed with that “sleep where you work” tweet. The original saying - “Love Where You Work” - came from the heart and mind of Lucy Mosley, who was one folks in the London office. She passed away from

I wouldn’t criticize Crawford for her choice overextend herself for her job.

Or she can be looked at as an overly ambitious and opportunistic Icarus who got too close to the Musk and paid the price for a not so good product roll out that embarrassed the delicate ego of the “greatest”leader” of all.

Left For Dead 2, a game that is 14 years old, is currently (as I type this) the 33rd most played game on steam. Games don’t need an infinite stream of content to have long lives.

If you get upset when the endless stream of new content ends for a game you play, that just means you don’t actually like the act of playing

Go differently, perhaps. But AI art has been influenced and even propped up by the same people shilling for NFTs; the same ones all for stealing art and calling it their own for different means. One thing they have in common is the absolute disdain, antipathy, and envy towards people who have a passion for drawing,

AI art is so insidious and a blight to the community, I hate it. I shouldn’t have to put an ugly water mark on my art just to be able to post it without fear of it being taken and tossed in the AI meat grinder (ignoring how rampant art thefts already is) so it can churn out some mediocre soulless copy of my work.

I’d like to install microphones in your home & record everything you say. No, you don’t want me to do that? So why are you okay with one of the world’s biggest companies doing it then?

I’ve tried to kill myself twice and don’t need to be lectured on the complexity of what causes people to do this. I said clearly I didn’t know him or what his personal life was like. When I wrote my comment, there were only three others here, two were jokes and one was an action figure tribute. Having struggled with